Chapter 44 Thinking Out Loud

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Chapter 44 Lauren's POV
When you're ready for something big to change your life, you have to be prepared. You have to know everything that's coming your way, you have to be strong. I sat down in the corner of the room and wrapped my arms around me knees. I tear fell from eye as I closed my eyes to think. I opened them and everything was still the same, my wedding dresses laid across the couch as my sparkly gray converses sat besides them. This week went by way to fast, I thought I was going to be exited today, but I'm scared. Terrified. I didn't even write my wedding vows, I don't even know how to dance when I have my first dance with Hunter. How many people are going to be at the ceremony? My parents won't attended because their dead, my mom isn't with me helping me get ready, my dad won't give me away. Would they be proud of me? Would they like Hunter of how he is now? The door knocked as I got up and opened it,"this is the right room right?" The young women asked,"depends what room you're looking for." I responded,"I'm suppose to do Lauren Santiago's hair and make-up?" She questioned,"that's me." A big smile came across her face,"well, hello Ms.Santaigo, my name is Libby Barnes and I'll be doing your hair and make-up!!" "OK!" I yelled in excitement. She walked in and I closed the door behind me and walked to a chair in front of a mirror. She placed all her make-up and hair equipment on the counter and looked at me,"any ideas on how you want you're hair?" "No. I don't know what I want." She thought for a minute,"let me surprise you." She turned the chair around to where I couldn't see the mirror. "So how long have you and you're finance been together?" "4 months?" I questioned,"you don't sound so sure." "We've dated for 3 years." "Oh I see. Don't worry, I've done make-up for a bride one time who dated this guy who 2 months and got engaged for their 3 month anniversary." "Wow." "Tell me about it." She started brushing my hair and curling it with a curling iron. I just sat their as she did it quietly and smoothly. The wedding is at 4 and I'm wishing time can go slower. Before I knew, it took 15 minutes to finish my hair,"I'm going to pull it back into a high pony tail alright?" I nodded and waited patiently. "Your hair is done!! Now it's your make-up."

"Thank you for everything." I told her as I shook her hand,"no problem! I actually enjoyed you very much." "Well I'm glad." "Are you sure you don't want to look in the mirror?" She questioned me,"no I'm good." She looked at my dress,"is their anyone who's going to help you put your dress on?" Crap, I forgot about that,"umm... I actually don't." I said laughing to myself,"I can help." "No it's ok. Really." "I don't have any plans." "It's really ok." "Are you sure?" I just looked at her,"okay." "Are you nervous?" "Very." She grabbed my hand and walked me to the dress as she picked it up,"wow, it's really beautiful." "Thank you, I got it two days ago." "I'm not going to even ask how that happened." She said laughing. I swallowed hard. "You know, me and Hunter dated a little in high school." She looked at me,"we were just kids though." "Oh yea?" "It wasn't really anything. She spent most of his time playing guitar then hanging out with me." I nodded as she handed me the dress and unzipped it,"but you... you must be really lucky to have a man like him, he must really love you to ask you to marry him." "Thanks." I responded. Am I really that lucky?

**CHECK IT OUT: Look at Lauren's wedding dress above**

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