mini series !!! PART 7

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chapter six
the boys

the boys walked in the room on the opposite side of the double mirror, looking in on the culprit.

"ready for this?" scott said, looking at his best friend who was paler than usual.

but he nodded, "let's get this over with."

the took the door into the dark room, only feeling darker due to the presence sitting at the other side of the metal table.

scott took the opposing chair, and stiles chose to pace behind him.

"why don't you tell us why we found you at the same area we found her." scott said it blatantly, and the culprit smirked.

but just shrugged.

"answer the question." stiles stopped pacing, turning to the man.

"start with last night at the animal clinic, were you there too?" scott tried again. stiles struggled to believe it was last night, technically only half a day had passed.

but the man only smirked more intensely, "you guys did not make it hard for me to take her." a slight chill ran down stiles spine, "ya know, it was almost if... you guys let it happen."

"what the heck are you talking about." stiles face settled into an angry one, sick of listening to the culprits long and useless speech.

"you guys were worried..." his eyes flicked up from looking at his tied up hands, "i'll give you that." he straightened his head and focused his eye contact to only stiles, "but all those nights you filled with trying to..." he paused like he was trying to figure out what he wanted to say, "find a way to protect her, you basically set me up to catch her."

stiles had had enough, shaking his head and walking fast toward scott, "this guy is wasting our time. we're not getting anything-"

"i figured i'd give it a little time," he cut the angered boy off, and both the teens heads turned toward him, "and she'd get suspicious, and come running to find you. conveniently, you always had your meetings in the most popular spots in beacon hills. two of which she went to that night." he enlightened the boys, whose eyes turned toward each other in confusion. his head first turned toward scott, "first your house." scott's eyes dropped as he heard the mans words, and he turned to face stiles, "then stiles'..." his voice went out in a way that made scott finish the sentence.

"then the animal clinic."

the man's eyes light up, "ding ding ding!"

"we led her right to you." scott said shockingly, talking to the criminal but keeping his eyes on stiles.

the man smiled again, tilting his head back, "all i had to do was pick a location and wait patiently." a deep chuckle erupted from the man's throat, deep and slow, "looks like the scooby gang didnt do all they could to protect her." a grim smile came upon his face and stiles started toward the culprit.

scott's hand was quick to grasp his friend's.

"there was nothing more we could've done." he tried to comfort his friend before he did something stupid, "we didnt know that she'd come looking for us."

stiles eyes settled, and he took a breath, still not taking an eye off of his newfound enemy.

but he did, stiles thought in his head, he knew. why didn't we? the shame of some stranger knowing her better than he did, predicting her moves better than he would've, was killing him inside.

"so why did we find you at the clinic, just hours after her disappearance?" scott asked again, more clear this time.

you weren't sure if it was stubbornness or guilt that made the man shut up, but he pressed his lips firmer together.

stiles raised his eyebrows, "why so quiet?"

the man glared at stiles, head shaking from anger. or trying to keep it all inside. stiles didn't care.

"why were you there?" stiles leaned in closer, as his voice dropped down to a whisper.

"for the necklace." he spat out, "i needed the necklace."

all of a sudden, the door to the interrogation room bursts open with great strength, and all three boys duck and jump away. smoke and rubble from the explosion hit stiles in the face, and he coughs quickly to get it out of his lungs and eyesight.

maybe this was a distraction for the culprit to get away. or someone saving him. or ruining their plans of getting answers. he lunged forward for the chair he sat in, panicky looking for an ankle or limb to grab hold of.

he found the man still sitting in the chair, calmly, not having moved an inch since the explosion. he tightened his hand around his arm just in case.

"you're weaker than i thought." a familiar voice rang out above the clouds still rolling around the room. heavy metal boots made their way into the room, "i guess we can't all be great liars."

stiles brain hurt. a lack of sleep, and anxiety was the only thing pumping his brain with energy, he started to feel his ability to process information correctly slip away from him.

thankfully, scott did it for him, "kate?"

finally, the air cleared enough for stiles to see her signature smirk. her blonde hair flowing down her chest, and her black boots.

"miss me?"

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