cranks || thomas

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{hey guys this is really raw but its a quick tmr one that came to me, have you seen tdc yet? ITS AMAZING. i cried like 5 times but it was such a good ending and was done perfectly, tell me your opinion in the comments:)}

[second person pov]

you were currently running for your lives.

you had just made it to the other side of the scorch. tired, sick, and a drop of hope left in your body. you all fell to the floor, waiting for said 'people' who'd be waiting for you on the other side. well, the things waiting for you were definitely not people.

well, to be honest, you thought they were at first. you heard a screech, which all of you jumped at. you saw a movement to your left and noticed it was a person. you sighed in relief, but before you were even able to finish it the person turned his head, showing his big, black veins and red bubbly skin, and ran at your group. you felt a strong hand pull you up and you were grateful for it as you wanted to get up and run as fast as you can, obviously.

so here you were, still tired and exhausted and your bones hurting at every thump of your feet, running along side newt and thomas. you silently thanked the world for adrenaline. frypan and the other gladers got a bit of a head start, which you havent figured out why yet but that was the least of your worries at the moment. thomas's hand was still on your arm, you didnt mind. you felt protected and cared about. you and thomas both knew that the situations you both have been through and are in are no explanation to start a real relationship, but you too couldnt help feeling something for each other. it just happens.

"come on!" newt screams at you in his thick british accent. the gladers in front of you screaming nonsense. you shook the thought of those creatures behind you out of your head as you focused on running, the howling and gawking making it hard to focus on anything else. 

"theyre getting closer!" thomas screamed, taking not even a second to look behind you. you looked at thomas just as he glanced at you, you too shared a glance for just a moment as you both ran, and for a moment it felt like you werent running. you werent fighting for your lives. you wished you were back in the glade, you were trapped but at least you were safe from the outside world you were so oblivious to think of. thomas' face pulled you out of your daze as his emotion quickly changed. you guessed you were staring at him for not even a second, but everything seemed to have changed.

newt was screaming to run, thomas now with the look of terror. you realized you were falling behind just in time to feel a pull on the back of your shirt. it was too much at one time to focus on pulling back, your feet skidded on the ground beneath you and you fell on your back. you heard newt and thomas screaming something you couldnt understand as you got tackled to the ground by something you guessed was a crank. all you saw were a blur of teeth and red skin, you squeezed you eyes shut waiting for the pain. right when you felt a pain in your mid-section the world in front of you became more of a blur. you heard screaming, screeching, bones crunching and everything in front of your eye was moving to quick you instantly got a head ache. you squeezed your eyes shut once more.

two big arms wrapped around you, you screamed as you knew what it must be. 

"heyheyhey!" you heard a familiar voice scream and you stopped flailing everywhere.

it was thomas.

you opened you eyes just in time to get engulfed by someone. you opened your eyes to see brown hair and smell his familiar scent. but he wasnt hugging you, you realized this when the air in your lungs got ripped out of you as you flung up in the air. the same arms gripped you tight as thomas ran forward, feeling like the speed of light. he dove under a cave-like structure, you didnt really pay attention to where he was going.

before you knew it you were sitting straight and gasping for breath.

thomas's face showed up in front of you. he squeezed you until you couldnt breath again and let go, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"you a'right?" newt breathed, he was painting pretty heavily. his hair was tangled and his forehead was sweaty. you nodded, just now noticing the pain on your stomach.

"my-my..." you didnt have to say much more before thomas appear next to you all-to-quick and whipped your shirt up. your skin showed a big, long, gash on your stomach, but it didnt look that deep.

newts eyes widened and thomas just stared. after a long two seconds of shock sitting into everybody thomas burst into action.

"jeff! jeff, get me the supplies!" he screamed as he grabbed bandages out of his bag, jeff ran for his, meanwhile you fell in a daze. everything went slow and blurred. you had always thought that only happened in the movies, but you was so exhausted and mentally unstable from the past week adventures. running from cranks every night, struggling from dehydration and weakness from walking all day. sense this specific journey of your lives, out in the scorch, started, youve probably gotten 5 hours of sleep. but your health was not in your mind at this moment.

everything was a blur. thomas running around, getting stuff, yelling and communicating with jeff about what to do and bandaging up your wound that hurt more and more the more you dazed out, but you struggled to stay conscious. newt was beside you the whole time, rubbing your hand with his thumb, talking to you though you had no energy to listen.

finally, as something soothed into the wound, and pressure was quickly applied, you slowly faded out,  seeing thomas and newts faces fade away.


[first person pov]

in what only seemed like a moment or two i awoke to the sound of the wind. my eyes flung open as i sat up, cringing at the pain in my stomach. i whimpered. 

i glanced up through my squinted eyes and saw complete darkness, the sound of crickets filled the air. newt was awake, but dazing into the ground. when you moved, he jumped up, putting his hand on your thigh.

"hey, y/n, how ya doin'?" he said it calmly, but also while slapping thomas violently till he woke up, never took his eyes off of mine. i wouldve laughed at the scene if the situation was different. thomas jumped up and turned to face me, grabbing my hand like he knew exactly where it was the whole time. 

"y/n?" he barely even said it before embracing me in his big, warm arms. i smiled into the hug, almost forgetting where we were and what we were doing.

thomas jumped back into action and checked my wound, which had gotten a lot better. he laid down next to me, never letting go of my hand.

"looks like sleeping beauty's up." frypan said from a distance, winking at me.

i smiled at thomas as he smiled back while rubbing my hand with his thumb.

"did i get a kiss from prince charming?" 

it seemed silly to bring up such fairytales, with everything we've been through that seems like another world. i slightly remember reading it with my mom once, before disaster stroke. 

"not yet..." thomas leaned over and kissed my lips. maybe fairytales are in our world.

𝐝𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ✰Where stories live. Discover now