paranoid || stiles

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hey guys
fresh new one for ya :)

you take out a glass to make coffee for yourself and place it on the counter.

your week has been rough in beacon hills and you all have been stressed, per usual.

as you turn around to start the coffee maker, glass in hand, the phone rings.

you jump and take a sharp breath in. the glass slips from your hands and falls toward the floor. your back hits the island of your kitchen as the cup shatters all over the floor.

you let out a shaky breath as you try to calm yourself down. tears stream down your face.
you hear footsteps as stiles comes running through your apartment, calling your name in panic.

"y/n!?" he comes running in and looks at you crouched on the ground, now crying.

"i'm fine stiles." you mutter as your shaking hand goes for the pieces of glass.

he rushes over to you and kneels down beside you.

"are you hurt? what happened?" he tries to grab your arms but you shoo him away, try to stop your tears.

"i'm fine stiles, i just need to pick-" you start, reaching for the glass again.

"hey, y/n, stop. stop it!" he says as he realizes the tears streaming down your face and your only getting worse. you finally let him grab your arms.

he pulls you in an embrace.

"what's up y/n? you've been so jumpy lately..."
he looks at you with caring eyes.

"i've just been so paranoid, like i have this feeling something bad is about to happen and that there's nothing i can do-" he squeezes you tighter, rubbing your back.

"y/n, what's caused this?!" he brings your face just in front of his, "this isnt you..."

you take a deep breath as you feel the truth come spilling out your lips, "i got a note from the assassins," he gives you a confused look, "i'm on the other third of the list."

"babe, what? why didn't you tell me? i could've helped you-"

"i didn't know if it was real, and i didn't want to freak anyone else out and-"

"hey, hey, it's gonna be okay." he grabs your hands again and forces you to look at him, "you can tell me anything, and you know that. and i wont let anyone hurt you." you look into his eyes, that gave you warmth and comfort, you believed him.

"now tell me what's going on."

𝐝𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ✰Where stories live. Discover now