prom? || dylan

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it was the pep rally before prom. you guys were finally seniors.

the senior class decided that you were the best cheerleader they had so they had you do a solo performance as the whole school was coming in and taking their seats, just to keep them entertained.

you started when the first set of bleachers were full. you started with a full back tuck handspring. the crowd laughed and cheered.
not so much longer and the whole class of freshmen were in the gym, and applauding your four cartwheels. you did some minor things as the rest of the school filed in but you we're saving your energy to when everyone was there. you just finished a set of round offs when you heard someone scream your name.

you turned around to a happy dylan running to you. the senior class was here.

he ran to the middle of the gym to you and kissed you. at first you heard shocks from the crowd, but then they all started 'aww'ing and cheering. your face blushed and you playfully pushed dylan away. he squeezed your hand and went back to get a good seat.

you paced on the mats, waving to your friends now and then, until everyone was seated.

your performance music finally started and you got ready. with the beat, you did three cartwheels and a back flip. you'd say about half the gym cheered for you as you landed right on the edge of the mat. you smiled and waved at everyone, getting positioned for your next routine. you did a front flip and a round off back handspring off of that. this time the whole gym cheered for you, even dylan who stood up and started cheering and dancing like a maniac for you. you shook your head at him.

alright, this is the time to do it. the grand finale.

you walked to the deepest corner of the mat, looked ahead and went. you ran m, did two cartwheels and front flip and a perfect arial, landing on one foot with your other extended perfectly. the whole crowd exploded in cheers and hollers, it took you back a little bit. you face soon flushed and you squeezed your shoulders and laughed. dylan immediately stood up and started jumping around screaming things you couldn't understand. you started to laugh at him.

as the crowd settled down, you swiveled on your heel to wave and bow to everyone. as you turned to one side the crowd slowly stopped cheering, but all smiled at you. some gasps and points shocked you, you turned around to what they were pointing to, and you gasped yourself. walking towards you, was dylan in a perfect black suit, holding a red rose with that adorable smile on his face. you put your hands over your mouth because you hand no clue what was going on. dylan came up to you, held your hands, and kissed you. in the kiss he slightly leaned forward, making your back arch, and the whole crowd cheered. you began to laugh and the kiss ended. dylan pulled a microphone out of his pocket. he let go of one of your hands.

"um, hey guys!" he smiled awkwardly, but you loved it, "i'm dylan, y/n boyfriend... wasn't her performance amazing!?" he lifted his hand to signal for cheering and he got it. just enough to blast people's eardrums. you put my head in his chest to hide yourself, but he backed away, raising both of your hands to the crowd. you smiled and laughed again, and he begun talking again.

"i've been watching her do that for five years. she's always been amazing at it, works hard everyday, trying to excel and do better next time." he smiled at you, finally looking at the crowd, "the three years of being her boyfriend have been even better, her flips and twirls make me think of my heart when she smiles," he made a cheesy aww face to show how sappy that sounded, and the crowd made subtle 'aww's, "her ups and downs resemble our relationship through the years, and how they always landed perfectly." more 'aww's and laughter through the crowd, dylan reached over to take both my hands, "but the one thing that really struck out to me was the acceptance of failure she has. she could go on to any routine and have any disaster happen, but she's fine with that. it doesn't matter to her." i smiled at him as he kissed my hand. slow music startled me as it started to play from the speakers of the gym.

"i hope there will be no acception of failure when our relationship grows in the future, which we've talked about before," he raised his hands in surrender to the crowd, and giggles could be heard, "but like cheer, you have to start small." he turned toward me, again taking my hands and looking me in the eyes, "so, y/n y/l/n, would you do the honor of flipping into prom with me?" he laughed at his little play on words and held the rose up in front of his face. my eyes teared up as i nodded viciously at the boy i loved. he smiled even more and came in for another kiss. it was sweeter this time. i barely noticed the crowd burst into loud cheers and whoops. we pulled back and dylan looked at me for a quick second before looking at crowd and cheering with his hands up. i laughed and squeezed my shoulders in again in embarrassment. we both were laughing at each other. dylan quickly swooped me up, carrying me bridal style to our seats.

it took a while for the crowd to calm down that day.

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