super-natural || stiles

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|one of my favorites !!|

it's been a week.

a week since you got bit.

scott was there, saw it all happen and witnessed every moment. he helped you through it, telling you it'd be okay as he rushed you to your house. he stayed with you, watching you in tremendous pain; scared to death it'd kill you.

he didnt know how he would tell stiles. if it took you. luckily he didn't have to. it started to show you'd be okay. that first night you saw no one but scott, working all night on learning skills and techniques. you quickly gained control. but as you were still worried, you demanded to be locked in your room. you didn't want to put your friends in harms way, afraid at any given time you'd lose control or hurt someone you love.

scott finally gave up trying to stop you, and told stiles that you went missing. that you two went out together that night and then you were just gone. just until he could find a way to tell him, tell him you were no longer just human.

stiles worried about you the whole time. never knowing where you were. you felt bad for him, but you knew it'd be for the best. the last thing you'd want is for him to be with you on your first full moon. of course you knew about the anchor stuff but you didn't want him to see you... go there.

scott said he'd be there for you, help you through it as he had experience. but he needed to let stiles know first.

all week you've been in your room, only getting out to get food. you wondered when scott would tell him.


scott stayed with stiles the whole week.
he played as though he didn't know where you were and he tried to calm stiles down, tried to tell him you'd be home soon. he was worried sick. scott thought about a way to tell him every second, but by the day of the full moon; he knew it was time. he didn't have anything planned yet, even with days of thinking about it, but he decided just to tell him.

tell stiles the truth.

"hey stiles?" scotts shaky voice startled stiles, he was laying on the couch. trying to think of where you'd be, just like every other second of the days you were gone.

"yea..." he muttered into his pillow.

scott took a deep breath.

"this may sound crazy, and i know you're gonna hate me, but please don't flip out." he looked at stiles cautiously.

that made stiles sit up. made him want to pay attention.

"what is it?" he said, scared to even know.

scott took another shaky breath, "i know where y/n is."
stiles jumped of the couch, ran over to scott.

"you do! how could you not tell me? where is she!?" he screamed at him.

scott just sat there.

"please sit down." scott said calmly, not even making eye contact.

stiles was fuming but knew there had to be a reasonable explanation for why his best friend didn't tell him where the girl he loved was. he sat down.

"a week ago, me and y/n we're out on that mission remember?"

stiles remembered, you and scott had to go out and try to stop the newest threat, a pack of unstoppable werewolves, who had killed multiple people in your town already. you guys were the perfect pair to fight; scott with his werewolf powers and your ability to fight physically. he remembered that was the night you went missing.

"well," scott continued, "we were out searching the streets. trying to figure out where they were, when the pack came out of nowhere, we fought them hard and it looked good for us for a while. they started to drain out and i guess they became desperate so they..." scott could barely say it, while stiles was dying of impatiences, "one of them bit her." scott finally looked up at stiles, who was staring right back at him.

his face drained of any color, trying to process that she was know a super-natural. he soon became angry that she had put herself in this situation, angry at the person who had done this to her. anger and hatred crossed his face, "where is she?" he said, gritting his teeth inside.

scott took another breath, "she's in her room. she wanted to be locked up till her first full moon was done. she didnt want to hurt you. or anyone else. stiles," he stopped, stiles looked back up at him, "she's only doing this because she doesn't want you getting hurt."

stiles feel into a deep sadness at the thought of you in your room alone.

"look, i'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner, i was trying to find a way to tell you but tonight is it, stiles. tonight's the full moon." scott breathed out, the fear finally getting to him that tonight's the night.

stiles got up, and walked towards the door.

"i'm going to her."

scott got up too.


you sat in your room, hugging your knees. you knew tonight was it. you'd be with scott, finally seeing how strong you really were. you wished stiles could be with you, but you knew it was too risky.

a knock on your bedroom door startled you, and you looked up.

"i'm sorry y/n." you'd barely realized the voice was scott as the door flung open revealing a skinny pale boy who looked utterly depressed. that was the only way of describing him.

stiles ran to you and engulfed you in his arms, dig his head into your shoulder.

"i dont care you're now super natural. i don't care that i may be in danger being with you tonight." his voice was trembling as he spoke to you, still hugging you, "i don't care that tonight i'm gonna suffer watching you turn and lose control. i don't care that i'll now be the only human in the pack." he releases you from his grasp and takes your head in his hands, "i need you, y/n. and these past few days without you i was worried sick. scott told me you were missing and he had no clue where you were. i felt helpless. like i couldn't do anything about it. every second i thought about you. and then he told me the truth. he told me everything. and i don't care." his words brought you to tears, that soon rolled down your cheeks. stiles rubbed them away with his thumbs, and gently smiled.

"and i don't care what you think, i'm gonna be right here, by your side tonight." he whispered every word like it was his last.

finally you got the strength to speak, coming out in small gasps as breathing got hard as you cried;

"what-what if i hurt you, or lose control." you ask, and his face doesnt change a bit.

"listen to me, you're gonna lose control. you're gonna want to hurt me. you may actually hurt me," surprisingly he laughs at that comment, "but i'm gonna be here. im gonna keep you safe. because i love you."

you were both crying now. scott stood at the doorway tearing up also. you were all crying.

you nodded in agreement and hugged him again.

"now don't lie to me again." stiles smiled into your hair.

"i won't, i promise." you whispered into his ear.


𝐝𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ✰Where stories live. Discover now