fire || dylan

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yo guys if your a revisiting reader you've probably realized this is shorter that's just because i made this a while ago and it was superrrrrr long and i just wanted to cut it down a whole lot, so enjoyyyyyyy

(Your POV)

The heat is what woke me up.

I open my eyes, and heat hits my face hard. I gasp for breath, but don't find much. I force myself to focus on nothing else but breathing, close my eyes and breathe in, and as shaky as it is, I breath out. I open my eyes.

Bright orange and yellow flashes dance around my room. My eyes burn and squeeze shut, I try to breathe.


Before I even think about my current situation or how it happened, I jump off my bed and dive for my phone. I force myself to stay focused as my brain is struggling under the pull of shock and fear.

My thumbs shake as i hit the 'emergency call' and 911 is dialing.

"911 what's your emergency?" A clear female voice rings out of the speaker, just like in the movies. I urge to do something, but nothing come's out.

"Please state your emergency?" She repeats, slightly more urgency in her voice.

"Fire." It stumbles out of my mouth, messily but enough to get through to the lady.

"Okay, hun I'm gonna need an address." She says, and my mind hits a blank.

"Uh-" I say. I close my eyes, the view of organ and yellow sparks distract my mind.

"42..." The fire is howling in my ears, as my lungs beg for clean air, "Rose Avenue." The words spill out of my mouth as i finally finding the strength to speak.

"Okay hun, help is on the way. Would you like me to stay on the phone with you??"

"No-o, thank you." My voice is shaky as I hang up.

Dylan pops in my mind. He's probably asleep.

I quickly ram in his number and hit the green button on the bottom, adrenaline kicking in and helping me think faster.

The phone rings twice, and i can barely hear the ringing end as the call is connected.

"Hello?" A groggy deep voice I love to hear answers the phone, probably half a sleep. I still feel the adrenaline, and push all my effort into my words at that moment.

"Dyl?!" My voice trembles as the fire around me gets louder, "There's fire... everywhere. I..." i squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to look at it anymore, "I don't know what to do."

He lets out a shaky breath, "a-are you ok? are you hurt?" i could tell he was in complete and utter shock too.

"Dylan, I- I dont know how long-"

"alright, alright... call down. i'm coming okay? y/n, i'm coming! just stay there..." a second goes by, but it feels like ages, "i love you."

i sharply exhale, "i love you too."

i barely hear the three buzzes of him hanging up.


(Dylan's POV)

I fly out of bed, don't even take a second to think what i'm wearing or what i'm supposed to do.

I sprint down my stairs and grab my keys.


I look at the house, howling with orange flames that trap anything that's inside. The door is gone and you can see inside the house, everything black and shriveled up by the fire.
I look to where her window is, and it's covered by the flames.

Fire trucks rush up to the house, the horns tearing my ear drums as they pull up closer. Men in yellow rush out and up to the house, one jogs up to me.

"Know anything sir?! Owners or how it happened?" It took me a second to respond to the man.

"My girlfriends in there. She called me about 5 minutes ago, she's in her room and i don't know-"

A pat on my shoulder makes me jump, "we'll get her out sir." and the man rushed into the burning house.

Those words echoed in my brain as chaos erupted.

- an hour later -

just an hour. 60 minutes, 1200 seconds. one, long, hour.

after i arrived at the house, they finally brought her out. i'd never forget the way her body laid in the fireman's arms, i thought she was dead. i really thought she was gone.

they rushed her to the hospital, let me come. i stroked her hand all the way, speaking gently and begging for her to wake up. nothing. right when we got there she got rushed away and got connected to machines and wires. they pushed me out of the room, and sat me in the waiting area, ignoring my rude remarks and hollers.

so i sit here. trying to settle the feeling of oblivion, of not knowing what's happening or where she is. my cheeks are sticky from all the tears that'd been let out and not brushed away, and i can feel my hair sticking up in weird places. i knew i looked like a wreck, i felt like one too, but i didn't care. the love of my life was dying in one of those rooms down the hall, maybe even upstairs, and i couldn't do anything.

i was sitting in my chair reliving the past night for the hundredth time as a young nurse walked in then waiting area. she raised her clipboard.

"visitors for y/n y/l/n." she said it more like a question as she looked up from her clip board. i jumped up and wobbled over to her.

"what's happening? is she ok?" the nurse nodded along to my probably expected questions and she looked me in the eye.

"she's... hanging in there. she looks like she'll be ok-" she pauses as i let out a huge puff of air that has been building up inside me for the last hour. i put my forearm on my forehead and squeeze my eyes shut, taking in reality that she might to be ok.

"sir, are you alright?" i felt a hand on my shoulder.

i take a few deep breaths, "yeah... yeah i'm good, just- continue." she gives me a weird glance.

"she will need a lot of help through out the next few weeks, she has inhaled lot of smoke, suffered slight burns to the back-" she quickly flipped through the white sheets of paper in her hands, "and legs buttt-" she drags the small word out as she finishes up her overview, "i think... that's about it." she looked up at me and smiled slightly, "what are you to y/n?" it takes me a second to speak.

"boyfriend. 5 years." she nods as she writes something down.

"follow me?" i slowly nod and she leads me down the hall.

we finally reach her room.

the door knob is cold as i slightly open it. the door slowly ticks open and i stand there. i see a girl, hooked up to many wires connecting to many machines that are producing all different types of beeping and flashing lights. the girls

i walk fast toward her side. taking the chair that was perfectly propped up next to her sleeping body. i took her hand, slightly cold like always. i smile as her small hand fits perfectly into mine. i kiss it. rub it with my thumbs.

"you're ok, babe." i whisper, "i'm here, you're gonna be ok."

𝐝𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ✰Where stories live. Discover now