tricked ya || stiles

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it was your night. your night together.

a night planned for no werewolves, no dying, no danger, no supernatural running around, none of that crap.

you and stiles had just got home from a romantic dinner at the most expensive restaurant you could find. you were beaming with joy and he connected his fingers with yours.

just as you walked in the house, stiles' phone beeped. he reached in his pocket for it and you immediately protested.

"no no no, stiles. pleaseeeee." you grabbed his hand, dragging your words out. you gave stiles a playful but sad-puppy-look at him. you begged with your eyes to put it away.

"none of that tonight." you poked his chest shaking your head and he laughed at you. he looked down and clicked the button that would light up his phone anyway. you quickly snatched it from his hands and ran up the stairs that were just in front of the door. he let out a big huff.

"y/n!" it was his turn to dramatically wine, tipping his head back in exhaustion and running up the stairs after you. you giggled and turned around at the middle landing of the tall stairs.

you sweetly smiled at him while he caught up, you wrapped your hands around the phone and put it behind your back.

"please give it back." he smiled down at your small figure and rubbed your arms, knowing the phone was behind you.

you bit your lip and shook you head. he slid his hands down your arms and reached your tightly grasped fingers. he started to play with them in an effort to get his phone. you laughed and spun in circles away from him. he reached for you, pulling you back toward him and trying again. when it still didn't work he went to tickling you all over, making you giggle and yelp. he then went back to your hands, still wrapped around the phone.

you laughed harder when he still could not get it.

you didn't realize that both of you were moving backwards till your foot hit the edge of the step. you carefully looked down, stiles didn't seem to notice.

"um, stiles..." you said gently and he just mumbled about how he wanted his phone, still laughing.

"no, stiles stop." you laughed along with him but also pushed back on him.

"then give me the-" in another attempt to get closer to you he pushed into you, which made you fall backwards.

you yelped as your ankle twisted and you flew backwards. his arms left your side and you panicked. it felt like you took forever to fall, but finally your neck hit the corner of the step and you grunted in pain. you legs flipped up over you and you backflipped all the way down the stairs. you closed your eyes, waiting for the pain, but then realized your stairs were carpet. you internally thanked who ever made that decision in the past as you continued to, still very painfully, tumble down the stairs. but at the same time you almost wanted to laugh at yourself, how stupid you must look as your boyfriend was just standing at the top of the stairs watching you.

you finally hit the bottom. your body crashed into the, sadly, hard wood floor and you lied still.


a shaky breath left the boy standing back at the landing of the stairs. he looked down at his girlfriend lying still at the bottom with wide eyes. he was mortified at what just happened, the worst things possible going through his mind.

"y-y/n?" he stuttered as he noticed her still, contorted figure. her hair was sprawled out everywhere and her eyes were gently closed. he then burst down the stairs, two steps at a time. he kneeled beside the girl, taking her head in his hands.

"y/n! i'm so sorry." he pleading with his voice, "please wake up, please!" he whisper-urged as he slightly shook her head. for all he knew she was dead, he was too delusional to think that that was too dramatic for just falling down the stairs.

he continued to speak gently to the girl, begging her to open her eyes. it was only two seconds until tears sprung from his eyes.

"y/n please wake up." his voice went down to a whisper and he rubbed her pink cheeks.

it was just until the girl heard her boyfriends raspy voice that her faced contorted into a smile. she was indeed awake the whole time, decided to prank her boyfriend. but as fun as it was, she didn't want it to get to far. she immediately opened her eyes, smiling at the person she loved just above her face.

the boys eyes opened wide, he let out another shaky breath. but it was different this time. he smiled back at her with full relief. all his past emotions left him as his whole body relaxed and he got it through his head that she was alright.

"tricked ya!" y/n smiled up at the boy who was still trying to calm himself down. he got off his knees and fell to his butt, putting his fingers in his hair.

"ughh, i hate you." he said, finally smiling a tiny bit. y/n sat up and put her hands on his shoulders.

"sorry, bud." she fluffed his hair, laughing at him, "but the fall was real." she pointed a finger at her boyfriend, glaring at him. she broke it in a laugh, stiles just shook his head.

"i know, and i'm so so sorry." he looked truthfully at her eyes, returning his hands toward her face. he thanked what ever force that had kept her okay and not badly hurt.

y/n looked down at the ground, reaching for his phone and handing it to him, "it's alright, here ya go." she smiled kindly at him.

but stiles didn't care about the phone. he immediately reached up and grasped onto his girl, digging his head in her hair. she smiled and hugged back.

"i'm so sorry." he groaned again into her hair, squeezing his eyes in sorrow.

"it's alright stiles!" she said again, laughing at the guilt-filled boy.

"i love you."  he said, finally getting his breath back and caressed her head.

"i love you too."  y/n laughed into his chest, pushing her self off of him, putting a hand on his chest.

they shared a loving kiss.

𝐝𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ✰Where stories live. Discover now