car crash || stiles

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the day was finally over.

you were in your junior year of high school, and you could say with ease that today was not the best.

you hopped in your car, turning up the radio and put your bag in the passenger seat. as you slightly danced to the music, you put the car in reverse and backed up. you slowly pulled out of your spot, into the lane. you put it in drive, but right before you pressed the gas, the car moved for you.

you got pushed forward with so much force, leaving your body to go into shock and stiffness and your chest hit the steering wheel. adrenaline kicked it as your scream cut off and you didn't feel much pain. yells and bangs could be heard from outside.

you slowly turned your head to the window as a tear rolled down your cheek. you had no clue what had happened, or how, but something had hit you. you were horrified.

outside, you saw faces starring at you and people running towards your car. a crowd of people formed, all yelling or talking, some just running away after disturbed looks. your shaky hand reached to open the door, and you slowly got out. as you forced your legs to help you stand, you kept a hand on the car for support. your head pounded and tears kept slipping down your face.

your body was in complete shock.

a boy appeared beside you.

"holy- are you okay!?" you looked to the person standing beside you, it was a boy maybe your age, but you didn't recognize him. you looked passed him at the car that had barreled into yours. both paint jobs were ruined as pieces of metal and lights bent inwards. you again looked at the boy, said nothing.

"hey!? are you alright?" he stepped beside you, speaking with more urgency.

someone from the big crowd of people slowly stepped forward.

"um, john... you should probably give her space, she's not lookin' good." you kept staring at the boy who hit you, and your car. more tears ran down your cheeks. you kept a hand on the car as you slowly sat down against it. all you saw were shoes. a new pair approached in front of you, then both walked away from you. the one that had come from the crowd came back.

"hey, do you need anything? a ride, water... just space?" you looked up at him.

in any normal situation, you would think he was cute. his tall, skinny, brown haired figure peered over you as he knelt down, his face caring. but your body was too in shock to focus on those things at the moment, so you pushed them away.

"i-i, i don't know." you chocked out, his hand touching your shoulder.

"that's okay. that's okay." he looked you in the eye for a moment, "i think your in shock, so just take a deep breath." you nodded, he spoke one more time, "when your ready, can you try to stand?"

you did, holding onto his arm.

you looked to the side. the car was still there, but the boy was gone. you decided that that was the least of your problems and put more effort in trying to walk.

"if you want," the boy helping you spoke softly, "i can take you to the hospital. your probably not feeling any pain, but the crash was pretty bad... we just don't know yet." you nodded, slowly losing focus on the world in front of you.

"my names stiles." he mumbled.

"y/n." you said, trying to keep your eyes open.

next thing you knew, you and the boy- stiles, were sitting in the waiting room of the nearest hospital. stiles' leg shook up and down and he tapped his finger on it also, you just stared into a daze.

the last whole ten minutes came rushing back to you. the song on the radio, the jolt of motion, how your chest flung into the wheel, your scream and then-

"i know you just got out of a car crash and everything," the voice beside you startled you out of your horrifying memories, "but it doesn't even look like you're breathing." he chuckled softly, but abruptly stopped, cleared his throat, realizing the situation he was in.

you cleared your throat too, shook your head.

"no, no. i'm good, just... remembering. that's all."

the boys hand fell on your leg, "hey, i've been in multiple car crashes before, it's scary, i know."

your eyes met for a moment, and he did seem sincere, "your gonna be ok." he smiled, you nodded. he took your hand in his.

when you got called to go see a doctor, stiles asked you if there was anyone he could call. you gave him your parents number and left with the doctor.

your parents came running in about ten minutes later, bursting with questions and anxiety. stiles explained it all, and they calmed down a bit.

when the doctor brought you back out you reunited with your parents, ignoring all their questions and just hugged them.

the doctor said there was no big complications, just a badly hit chest that would ache for the next couple weeks. of course, your parents offered their sincerest gratitude towards stiles, who took it humbly. you two shared numbers, and he walked out with you to your car, squeezing your hand as a goodbye. he smiled at you and walked away.

it was now, two years later, your anniversary. you two had recently got engaged and got a house together, and now the accident was one of your many told stories and jokes. it was how you two met, and how you fell in love together.

he took your hand and squeezed it, just like the day long ago at the hospital.

he pulled you into your new home, and you smiled.

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