Father and son, father's son, was rough-approved by father in various ways, cons

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Father and son, father's son, was rough-approved by father in various ways, constantly squirting
Father and son, father's son, was rough-approved by father in various ways, constantly squirting
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The sound of splashing water in the bathroom covered up the lascivious voice, and the long and thick fingers were pumping out the semen in the pussy.

"Aha——Dad——uah——" Chen Yuyu clung to her father weakly, and kept winking at her father, but her father just smiled.

"Baby, it's not good to do too much in one day." The man's voice was gentle and powerful, if his fingers didn't scrape the sensitive meat while cleaning up the semen, it would be more convincing.

Chen Yuyu had to admit that for a forty-year-old man, Yizhihua, his father's bad intentions made him feel irritable. He hooked his father's neck, stepped on him and yelled: "Dad... the baby is so itchy... I miss Daddy's big dick..."

If the man is still unmoved by what he said, it is his charm, but the big dick is already hard against his belly.

"Daddy... hurts baby..." Chen Yuyu yelled coquettishly, and her father's finger was pulled out from the pussy!

Instead of fingers is Daddy's big hard cock!

"Aha—" Chen Yuyu let out a lascivious sigh, her eyes hooked on her father, and she leaned forward to offer a kiss.

Naturally, he was no match for his father, and was quickly seized by his father.

The cock in his crotch fucked him lightly and deeply, very tenderly, and two fingers penetrated the back hole, and the cum inside was channeled out.

Dad's technique was very good, and Chen Yuyu sank into it. The two of them mixed warm water, and the sound of the water was loud, covering a lot of groans.

After the back hole was cleaned, Dad hugged him, took out a bath towel from the closet, and wiped the two of them dry.

"Dad..." The slut didn't know about Dad's plan, and the two stood up in this way of fucking, and Dad started to move!

"Dad!" I didn't expect my father to twist the door in such a way! Thinking of the scene just now, Chen Yuyu's heart almost jumped out!

But the father didn't hesitate in his actions. He put the bath towel on his son and drove him out.

"Woo..." Knowing the lewd appearance of the two of them now, Chen Yuyu clamped her father's waist tightly with her legs, and the slut clamp was very tight, and the big dick inside was much harder than before.

"Baby, other people will definitely fuck you when they see it, right?" Dad's voice was full of laughter, he fucked while walking, although the frequency of fucking was not high, but this way made people extra sensitive, The pussy is extremely tight.

"Ugh... no... Dad..."

The rooms of the two were very close to each other, and Dad came to his room after walking a dozen steps, and pressed him under him all at once.

"It's so tight, the little slut likes it very much? Just now, it's so tight that you want Dad to cum on you sooner?" While the man was talking, he released the tight slut: "Slut!"

"Uuuuh—" The slut was stimulated by father's lewd words, and at the same time was fucked by the big cock, her body was softly parted, and she willingly became the man's crotch slave.

"Aha——Dad—————" The sheets under her body smelled of her father's body, and the slut knew that this was his father's room, so she became even more slutty.

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