Baseball team meat pot, arm straw batch, two small batches eat eight baseballs

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Baseball team meat pot, arm straw batch, two small batches eat eight baseballs
Baseball team meat pot, arm straw batch, two small batches eat eight baseballs
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The four dicks held the two pussies together so hard that when they were pulled out, it was full of semen, gushing out like a flood.

"Woo--" There was still some semen in the two pussies, and the two pussies that couldn't close together were inserted by the arms! The blue veins on Chen Yuyu's neck came out! He didn't expect men to be so ruthless! To play him like this! But he didn't expect the men to twitch their arms!

He will really be played to death! Such a thing is terrible! It's just that his body doesn't have any strength, not even the strength to crawl, and his body is completely weak.

The arm in the pussy was constantly stirring, and the meat and intestines were pulled out. Compared with the refreshing feeling, it was more painful. Chen Yuyu couldn't stop crying, and he begged the men to let him go with his eyes.

"Let's stop here today, or the flirt will be ruined, and I will have to find a meat toilet again."

"It is indeed more resistant to fuck than before, and she is indeed a bisexual."

"Md, you have inserted all four of them, it's cool enough, what about us?"

"You bit off his tits, what's the comparison? Are you an idiot?"

The men's arguing made Chen Yuyu even more uneasy, for fear that they would continue to fuck with four dicks at the same time. Now the little pussy being cleaned by the arm is already uncomfortable, and he is entangled by the system again. He absolutely does not want to do this.

"Woo~ let me go..." His pleading voice was small, but the men heard it, and he knew it.

After cleaning up the semen in the pussy with his arm, he slowly pulled it out, his pussy and intestines couldn't be taken back! "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." He is really going to be a big loser, and from now on all shit will fall on his pants!

More than a dozen men came over to coax him with their cocks out, probably because they didn't expect him to be so "squeamish", but they had fucked all day, and the rest day was over.

"Okay, okay, don't do it, let's do it tomorrow."

"I'm so squeamish. I didn't dare to cry like this before being fucked and bleeding. Intersex people are troublesome."

"Take you to clean up, ignore these idiots."

As the team's new meat toilet, Chen Yuyu can't be spoiled on his first day on the job.

Although the two pussies are fucked out a little, they won't slip out after stuffing the intestines and meat back.

The man gently cleaned him up, gave him good medicine, and said softly: "I am the captain and coach of the team. If they mess around in private in the future, just tell me."

"Hmm..." Chen Yuyu leaned against him, shrunk her two dicks, and was still conscious, so she wasn't spoiled.

After the man cleaned up for him, when he was carried out, more than a dozen men stood together, and the room had already been cleaned by them.

He was given some throat water, and at least he was able to speak.

Without knowing the time, he lay on top of the man and whispered, "I, I still have classes at school."

"Are you still a student?" The man was a little surprised. He thought that Chen Yuyu might have come out to make a living after playing so flirtatiously.

Fast time travel: A bisexual who needs to be resurrected by collecting men's greWhere stories live. Discover now