Seduce your friend's husband, but the husband can't be hard on your friend, and

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Seduce your friend's husband, but the husband can't be hard on your friend, and wants to have a room with a slut
Seduce your friend's husband, but the husband can't be hard on your friend, and wants to have a room with a slut
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Chen Yuyu's head was a little swollen, but he clearly felt that he was on the bed, and the surrounding environment was very noisy. He slightly opened his eyes, and he was no longer in the forest.

Only then did he realize that he was taken out of the world by the system again, but it was good to get rid of the wolves and snakes, after all, he really couldn't bear to fuck day and night.

He observed the surrounding environment and found that he was in a small rental house. He yawned and found the mobile phone from his side.

The system has issued the first mission, and he still wants to seduce his friend's husband? It's a bit interesting, he has never been a mistress, but he is a little curious.

Just when he was thinking about something, a message came from his mobile phone, it was a message from a friend.

He said that he had reserved a booth at the bar and waited for him to come.

Chen Yuyu opened the closet and looked at it. The clothes were quite standard, mostly long-sleeved trousers. He observed his body, his chest was flat, and his big tits disappeared, but the two bottom ones were very pink. He With a sigh, he casually dressed up and went to find his friends.

The conditions of his friend were much better than he imagined. The bar was very luxurious. When he went in, he received contempt from others, but Chen Yuyu straightened up and went in.

From the dim light, he found his friend, who was being exposed by a man, and the two of them poured wine on each other, their faces were red.

Chen Yuyu greeted him and sat down uncomfortably. He seemed to smell the pomegranate flower, which made him feel uncomfortable.

He thought it was a friend messing with that man, but although their bodies were close together, their genitals were not exposed.

When Chen Yuyu was caught in the circle, his friend put him in front of him: "Drink a few more drinks when you come out to play, don't embarrass me, hurry up! Fine you a drink, and send me back later."

Seeing his dazed look, the man had already laid hands on him, Chen Yuyu frowned slightly, and drank the wine. The cold wine poured down his throat, feeling strange, but he quickly suppressed it.

The people in the bar were drinking heavily, but Chen Yuyu didn't drink much, and finally helped her friend to leave the bar.

The friend was cursing along the way, and he sent the friend home, and it was only natural that he saw the friend's husband.

He accidentally saw the man sitting in a wheelchair with an extremely ugly expression on his face. His friend pointed at him: "What are you looking at? Yuyu and I went out to play, so what? Yuyu was beta, and he wouldn't be right." What am I doing!"

Beta...Chen Yuyu had the answer in his mind, no wonder he smelled the pomegranate flower, it should be the man's pheromone, but if he was a beta, he wouldn't be able to smell the pheromone, it seems that his body has changed.

He leaned over, and his good friend's husband smelled of domineering alcohol. He thought about it, and it probably smelled of brandy.

He said with some embarrassment: "He's drunk, don't take what he said to heart."

His soft voice made the man's face change, and he chuckled: "As long as he doesn't get a child out, it doesn't matter."

Also, if the omega is not in estrus, it is difficult to conceive, but this man is calm, he asked the servant to arrange a drunken friend.

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