np snakes come to the door, the small snakes grow up in batches, and the snakes

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np snakes come to the door, the small snakes grow up in batches, and the snakes and wolves are batched together (End)
np snakes come to the door, the small snakes grow up in batches, and the snakes and wolves are batched together (End)
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Chen Yuyu couldn't take it anymore, he was really going to be fucked to death by wolves! It seems that he will be happier if he feels his body fucked, and the wolves are pressing him to fuck every day!

The two pussies are bleeding from torture every day, if he continues, the two pussies will lose consciousness!

But there are more than a dozen wolves surrounding him every day, and there is no chance to escape. He racked his brains and couldn't think of a reason to escape.

He has very little waking time, and is immersed in the joy of being fucked every day. Of course, the full stomach is also cool, and his body twitches.

Since the system transferred him to this world, why not jump to the world? It was rare for him to check the third task in his waking hours, which was actually the semen collection of snakes?

Both the big snake and the green snake didn't know where they were going. He couldn't do without the wolves now. Where could he find the snakes?

But he didn't go to the snake group, the snake group came to him.

The battle between the wolves and the snakes was about to break out. The silver gray wolf led the wolves to fight against the snakes led by the big snake and the green snake.

While being fucked, they were forced to watch them fight. The snake's fangs are very powerful. There are many poisoned wolves among the wolves, but the lake water can restore them.

The snake's body was bitten by the wolves, and the wound directly tore off the snake's flesh, dripping with blood.

What was supposed to be a lecherous scene suddenly turned into a fighting scene. Chen Yuyu watched them fight a battle, injuring one thousand enemies and eight hundred, and no one benefited. He swallowed the semen in his mouth and pushed the wolf on his body.

"Woo...don't hit...Yinhui..." He softly called the Yinhui wolf, and the scarred giant wolf came over and rubbed against him aggrieved.

Chen Yuyu raised his sore hand and stroked the silver gray wolf's chin. Seeing the disobedience of the big snake and the green snake, he sighed: "I, I can't live without my dick now, the two guys are already used to being fucked by wolves, big snake... ..."

The giant snake twisted its body and turned into a handsome black-haired snake tail. He twisted his body over and met the annoyed expression of the silver gray wolf. He ignored it, and said in a slightly wronged tone: "We have been looking for you for a long time, and you left me behind." We, leave your children behind."

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Chen Yuyu also felt helpless, and he didn't know how he escaped from the snake's den! Now he is like a scumbag, abandoning his wife and son, looking for mistresses, and there are more than one mistresses.

He thought for a while: "Do you want to live with us?" This kind of speech is more like a scumbag, woo woo woo... But there are also many snakes in the snake group. Thinking that these are all eggs laid by him, he wants to Fucking herself, Chen Yuyu felt ashamed.

But at the same time ashamed, the two pussies are joyous, constantly squeezing their cum inside, looking forward to the snake cock coming in and laying eggs again.

The big snake was silent for a long time, but the silver gray wolf next to him turned into a provocative human being, and moved closer to Chen Yuyu's side, biting his cheek.

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