ntr, cheating on the phone, my friend's husband is crazy about sluts, flirts com

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ntr, cheating on the phone, my friend's husband is crazy about sluts, flirts compare with friends
ntr, cheating on the phone, my friend's husband is crazy about sluts, flirts compare with friends
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"Woo... my husband... woo... that's enough..." Md, what is the difference between this alpha and a beast? tm has been pressed and fucked by a man all day long! When I eat, my dick gets stuck in it! Does this dog man want to play him to death!

It's just that the dog man kissed him on the cheek: "Not yet... I must conceive, don't you want to be impregnated by your husband?"

"Woo~ my husband... woo woo... no..." Chen Yuyu covered her belly, feeling really uncomfortable, her belly swelled up, and she really looked like she had a baby.

But it's full of men's semen! The man's cum filled his uterus, he's had enough!

"Buzz buzz..." The ringtone of the mobile phone did not affect the sexual intercourse between the two, but Chen Yuyu bit her lip, groaning in her mouth.

Seeing his forbearance, the man didn't want to bother with the phone at first, but he glanced at the note, it was his omega, what would happen if a slut answered his friend's call when he knew his friend's husband was fucking him? It must be so cool, right?

Thinking of this, the wicked man picked up the phone.

"Woo..." Chen Yuyu covered her mouth with both hands, raised her buttocks to be fucked by the man, who held his waist with one hand, and answered the phone with the other.

"Well... the susceptibility period is here, no need, yes... um..." The man enjoyed the tight pussy because of tension: "Never mind, yes..."

Chen Yuyu was holding on to the end of the phone call, but the man was deliberately trying to find a topic with the other party. He only felt that his bladder was going to explode, maybe he was too nervous.

He turned slightly sideways, suppressed moaning and sat towards the man: I want to pee.

The man raised his eyebrows, looked at him with great interest, picked him up with one hand, and fucked him as he walked. The insecure Chen Yuyu grabbed the man's hip with his backhand, and this position made him even more uncomfortable.

The posture of walking and fucking puts great pressure on his body, and he was taken to the toilet in a daze, but he couldn't urinate while facing the toilet.

The man's bad thoughts came to his mind, he put down the phone and turned it on.

"Husband?" An'an's voice from the opposite side made Chen Yuyu's grip even tighter. He looked at the man tremblingly, not knowing what he was planning.

But the man looked at him calmly, grabbed his hipbone in the posture of a rookie, and fucked him violently!

An An immediately reacted when she heard the unusual voice from the opposite side: "Fuck you! Lan Tan, are you a man! You can't fucking be hard on me, are you looking for a man outside?"

"Is it because you fuck a lot of sluts that you can't get hard on me! I just said why can't such a big dick get hard! It turns out that you are messing around outside!"

"Did that bitch get fucked by you! Slut! You pair of bitches! Lan Tan—"

An An's scolding was dirty, but it was adding interest to the man who was fucking him.

He asked Chen Yuyu loudly: "Slut! Answer him! Are you a bad fuck! Do you want a big dick to fuck your pussy? Do you like other people's husbands to fuck you? Is this dick big? Do you feel good about it? ?”

Fast time travel: A bisexual who needs to be resurrected by collecting men's greWhere stories live. Discover now