np, gang raped by wolves, crazy spit

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np, gang raped by wolves, crazy spit
np, gang raped by wolves, crazy spit
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"Oh——" Chen Yuyu felt something was wrong with his body for a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and faced the really soft wolf fur, and before he could react what was going on, he was hit violently!

It's very uncomfortable to have a swollen stomach, but now he is being tied to the wolf's arms, encircling the silver gray wolf's body like a parasite, and the bitch is eating the silver gray wolf's hard cock!

He didn't expect that Silver Gray Wolf was still fucking him while walking! The silver gray wolf on its own body is very huge, and as soon as it moves its legs, it pushes the dick into the uterus. Every step it takes is a torture to Chen Yuyu.

"Aha————" I didn't expect Silver Gray Wolf to be so good at playing. This is an automatic massage stick, constantly fucking the deep part of the womb!

There was already a lot of semen in the womb, and the soft wolf fur rubbed against the belly, making it extremely itchy. The slut rubbed against the wolf's body restlessly, and the silver gray wolf slowed down.

But after moving slowly, it was even more deadly to Chen Yuyu. The wolf fur was teasing his big tits. The nipple was rubbed by the wolf fur, and it was still stiff. The secreted milk had already wet the silver gray wolf's chest.

But the most thirsty is the back hole, dripping with water, constantly shrinking to express my dissatisfaction, the pussy blocked by the wolf dick is a little painful to be fucked, the wolf dick inside moves with the movement of the fuck Dry.

Chen Yuyu's line of sight was blocked, he didn't know the direction the wolves were moving, when a jump made his eyes roll, the dick almost pierced the womb! The outline of a dick was visible on that distended belly.

Before he regained consciousness, the wolf jumped up several times again, he was constantly being teased like this! The obscenity in his mouth resounded through the sky.




His saliva splattered on the wolf fur, and he felt swollen and numb. The meat inside was twitching constantly, and he was shrinking the huge dick, wanting it to stay in it safely.

But several consecutive jumps made the slut lose his mind, and the saliva, milk, and urine all rubbed on the wolf's body.

The wolves with an extremely sensitive sense of smell naturally knew the current state of the slut, so they couldn't help but quicken their pace.

With this acceleration, the only injured person was Chen Yuyu. He was tied up in the wolf's arms like this, and was being fucked constantly. With his hands and feet weak, he only had the wolf's dick as a support point.

There was a wanton cry from his mouth, and the lewd water spilled all over the floor, the back hole almost made a sound, and the lewd water kept gushing out.

"Ahhh—" the silver gray wolf howled, and the wolves stopped, but soon Chen Yuyu felt something was wrong.

His little belly was pushed up again by the cock, but this was not a sign of ejaculation, the cock can also ejaculate as well as pee! He struggled uncomfortably, but was severely taught by the cock. The silver gray wolf pressed him down and fucked him hard, and he lost his resistance instantly.

Immediately, large streams of hot liquid shot out, and the already swollen belly was almost bursting! The silver gray wolf roared again after peeing, and the wolves continued to set off!

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