Orc, double-approved by Orochi, big tits shoot milk for Orochi

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Orc, double-approved by Orochi, big tits shoot milk for Orochi
Orc, double-approved by Orochi, big tits shoot milk for Orochi
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It doesn't matter if he suddenly appeared in the forest, Chen Yuyu couldn't contact the system yet, he only heard a rustling sound behind him, he turned around suddenly, and what he saw was a snake's tail!

He was completely stunned. The animal he was most afraid of was snakes. Now he was lying naked on the grass, and he didn't know who he was or why he appeared here.

"Hiss~" Tong Xinzi spat out the sound, Chen Yuyu almost fainted from fright, he didn't dare to move, for fear that the snake would jump out and eat him.

"Hiss~" A huge snake's head protruded from the grass several people high, its vertical golden eyes were looking at Chen Yuyu, and its tongue was sticking out.

"Woo~" Chen Yuyu put his hands in front of him to avoid the terrible snake, he retreated slightly, but the snake was very sensitive, it came to Chen Yuyu's side in two strokes.

The tongue hit him on the face, his body was encircled by the snake, the cold touch made Chen Yuyu feel suffocated, his mind went blank, seeing the snake open its mouth at him, the exposed fangs almost made him faint!

"Fool..." The deep voice made Chen Yuyu a little distracted, how could he hear a human voice.

Obviously now he is being trapped by the snake.

"I won't eat you." The snake's body, which was originally touching the cold body, now wrapped his arms around him.

Chen Yuyu opened her eyes and looked at the snake in front of her. The big snake had turned into a human body with a snake tail. The exposed face was very handsome, and the erect golden eyes were like snakes.

His long dark hair was draped behind him, noble and elegant, and his arms wrapped tightly around Chen Yuyu: "Are you dumbfounded?"

"Hmm..." Chen Yuyu is a typical appearance association. He thought for a while, if the big snake is such a handsome man, it is not unacceptable. He looked at the big snake with a little shyness, forgetting the horror just now.

Seeing his appearance, Big Snake gave a chuckle, and the tail of the snake gently teased his exposed big tits, looking at him with a half-smile.

"Hmm~ aha..." Chen Yuyu, who was soon aroused by sexual desire, hooked the man's neck and began to kiss him.

The big snake's tongue is very flexible and long, and it often teases his sensitive spots. He is by no means a match for the big snake, panting delicately in his arms, while the nipples are stiffened by the snake's tail.

Feeling the cold belly of the snake, he was scared and excited at the same time, his physical reaction could not deceive anyone, he took the initiative to rub the big snake's body, rubbing the two pussy water on it.

Big Snake has a very keen sense of smell, smelling unusual smells, he slowly let go of Chen Yuyu, licked his face with his tongue, and then his body ran towards the two men.

Orochi licked the pussy without saying a word, and tasted the taste of lewd water, and it was even more uncontrollable. His tongue: turned into a tongue letter, and the forked tongue played with the seductive meat in the pussy.

"Aha... go deeper! The snake is so good..." The slut couldn't help but press the big snake's head and let his tongue go deeper. He was very excited when he thought that the snake had two dicks.

Two cocks can fill two itchy cunts at the same time and fuck him to death! And Orochi's dick should have barbs, right? He will definitely be fucked to death by the big snake!

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