Being thrown down by a werewolf, the wolf dick has hard hair, it's so cool to be

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Being thrown down by a werewolf, the wolf dick has hard hair, it's so cool to be dismissed!
Being thrown down by a werewolf, the wolf dick has hard hair, it's so cool to be dismissed!
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The body swayed so badly, Chen Yuyu opened his eyes in a daze, and found that he was floating on the water, his head was dizzy, but he subconsciously touched his stomach, the lower abdomen was very flat, and there was no feeling of pain anymore.

He didn't know what happened, but he sank and swam to shore.

Where did the big snake and the green snake go? He is now naked, stepping on the grass, because of lingering fear, he opened his legs to check the two pussies, and they have returned to their previous appearance.

He swallowed and nearly got fucked to death by the snake's cock! The feeling of cum pouring was so uncomfortable.

But now he rubbed his stomach and felt a little hungry.

He looked around, found a big leaf to cover his body, and started to walk in the forest. He stepped on the ground slowly, but he felt something followed him.

Looking back suddenly, he met a pair of green eyes, under the cover of the tall trees, the sunlight fell sparsely.

Before he could react, he was thrown to the ground by a wolf! The leaves on the body were torn off at once, pure decorations.

"Woo--" The wolf that rushed over stretched out its tongue and licked his cheek. Chen Yuyu, who was afraid that the wolf would eat him, was a little at a loss. He watched the wolf transform into a human body.

With the muscular muscles, the tough face, and the stiff dick that pressed against his pussy, the wolf's fur rubbed against his body, he swallowed, and opened his legs in cooperation.

"You smell so good." The wolf was a beautiful silver-gray color, and the silver-grey wolf licked his face again and again, and then became very interested in his big tits.

The tit was bitten by him, and a lot of milk was shot out of it, which made Silver Gray Wolf very satisfied. His tongue licked the big tit more vigorously, and after drinking one tit, he changed to another one!

The milk was gulped down by him, and soon it was gone. He bit the nipple in dissatisfaction, and the wolf paw rubbed the nipple, wanting to get more.

"Woo—don't—" Chen Yuyu still wanted to reject him, but the pack of wolves came over, and a dozen wolves all changed into werewolves and surrounded him.

Leaving the snake's den and entering the wolf's den, Chen Yuyu couldn't laugh or cry, but soon the silver gray wolf gave up the tits, his goal was to be a slut.

The color of the pussy is very beautiful, with a little pink tenderness. He stretched out his tongue and licked it lightly. The pussy was licked by the tongue with burrs, which made the pussy almost ejaculate. He directly licked the head of the silver gray wolf Press on your crotch.

The silver gray wolf's tongue is thick and long. After entering the pussy, it keeps sucking the meat inside. The burr on it is a stimulus to him, and his body twists unnaturally.

Seeing the slut making waves, the werewolves around took out their dicks and pointed at the slut. The dicks of the werewolves were all impressive, and the glans were the size of two fists.

Although he had eaten four snake dicks, Chen Yuyu still lost his mind when the stiff wolf dick approached him. He smelled the smell of a werewolf, and there was a lot of hair on it, as if it was covered in a loop.

And the werewolf's horse eyes were tightly covered, he deftly opened it with his tongue, feeling the werewolf's arousal, he worked even harder.

At the same time, the kinky water secreted by the pussy was eaten by the silver gray wolf. He put his dick in front of the pussy, rubbed it, and got the glans wet.

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