Pregnant cheating doctor, doctor treats horny pussy with big dick

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Pregnant cheating doctor, doctor treats horny pussy with big dick
Pregnant cheating doctor, doctor treats horny pussy with big dick
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After pregnancy, Chen Yuyu was extremely sensitive, and he felt that the coercion was very itchy. He always asked for it from Lan Tan, and the two of them seemed to be in estrus every day.

For Chen Yuyu's flirting, Lan Tan was a little psychologically prepared, and when she fucked, she turned towards his sensitive spots, and every time she fucked Chen Yuyu, she fainted.

As for his omega An'an, the two are separated now, and he is by Chen Yuyu's side every day.

Maybe An An didn't know that her friend had seduced her husband, and he started messing around with his life when he got the money.

The two coercions can be satisfied, allowing Chen Yuyu to relieve his worries, but soon the system released a second task, asking him to seduce the attending doctor.

He knew that the attending doctor was a beta, but his partner was an omega, and he couldn't tell from the outside that he was a beta. When he saw the big lump between the man's crotch, he knew that the man had an enviable big dick.

Already having a plan in mind, he entered with his stomach full, planning for Lan Tan.

The attending doctor was already waiting, and when he saw Chen Yuyu, who was particularly attractive because of her pregnancy, the corners of her mouth covered by the mask were slightly raised.

"How is Ma'am feeling now? It's rare to have a bisexual beta pregnancy." He raised his hands with plastic gloves and asked Chen Yuyu to lie on the bed obediently.

The slut under the skirt didn't wear underwear, and the lewd water had already wet the legs, which was even more slutty than an omega in estrus.

But the doctor didn't mind his flirting, picked his pussy, and frowned: "Have you been fucked by a dick in the morning?"

"Hmm... because it's so itchy inside, my husband's dick is so good to fuck, I like it very much. I have to fuck my husband every day." Chen Yuyu's face was shy, but the words she said were so sultry.

The doctor opened the acupuncture point, and the semen flowed out. He didn't expect this flirt to be so flirtatious! It came here without cleaning it up! His voice was suppressed: "I'll clean it up first."

"Hmm..." Chen Yuyu felt a finger inserted, and he asked shyly, "Doctor... Is this normal? My husband fucks two pussies every day, and I still feel dissatisfied and want to be fucked. "

Sure enough, it was very flirty, the doctor swallowed calmly, and looking at the curious eyes of the flirt, he said: "It's normal, if you are not satisfied, just fuck harder, the child is stable now, nothing will happen. "

After he finished speaking, he inserted his second finger. The inside of the pussy was hot, and the slut kept circling his finger. Just the insertion of the finger made him so cheap. If it was a dick, the slut must have a man between his legs I don't let go of my waist.

" You scratched me, I'm more sensitive..." Chen Yuyu's body trembled, and the lewd water sprayed out by the slut hit the man's fingers, and the heat of the lewd water could be felt through the gloves.

The doctor took a deep breath and asked, "Madam is usually not satisfied? This may affect the development of the fetus."

"Ah? Then...then what should I do?" Chen Yuyu knew that he was lying, and the words did not match the words. The doctor couldn't stand the temptation.

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