3. You're Wrong

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Quinn POV

It had been two weeks and he still wouldn't talk to me, Rhea had come up with multiple ideas but so far they had all failed.
I had wanted to pack up my stuff and go home, give up but Rhea insisted that I stay, she was adamant that seeing me everyday would show him I wasn't going anywhere and he would eventually given and listen.

I had been laid here so long scrolling through old photos of the two of us that I had lost track of time. With each photo came memories of a time when things were good, when we were happy, blissful even until they ruined everything.

Finally putting down my phone I reach out to switch off the bed side light by I'm stopped by a knock at he door. Brow furrowed I walk over to the door and open it to find Damian stood there, he looks at me but says nothing just brushes past me into my room.

I close the door softly and turn to find him with his back to me, I watch his shoulders rise and fall in a sigh as I walk around him coming to a stop in front of him.

"D I........" he shakes his head silence me as his eyes look deep into mine

"No talking" he whispers and before I can think his lips are on mine. I know I should push him off, that we should talk before anything happens between us but I have missed him so much that I just don't have the will to fight him off.

I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back as he lifts me and walks over the bed. Slowly and gently he lays me down on the bed, his lips move to my neck and his hands slide underneath me lifting me causing me to arch my back a little.

I moan softly as his lips caress my throat moving slowly lower as his hands slide my tank top up exposing my breasts to the cool air. He smiles before leaving down and taking a nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue over it slowly almost torturing me.

Suddenly he stops and sits up his eyes firmly fixed on me as he removes his shirt. I take him in noticing that he has added some new ink to his collection, I had always found his ink sexy and that had definitely not changed.

Leaning down his resumes kissing his way down my body and then back up until his lips find mine once again. As he deepens the kiss my hands trail down his back before slowly sliding his sweat pants down allowing me to feel his erection against me.

Sliding my paties to one side he enters me gently and starts to slowly roll his hips against me. As he makes love to me he rests his head against mine, his eyes fixed on me and a small smile on his lips.

Before long I feel him grow inside me and myself tighten around him, with a few final thrusts he brings us both over the edge. Moving off me carefully he removes his sweat pants completely laying beside me.

Unsure of what I should do I lay on my front my face turned away from him and that's when I feel it. His finger tips writing "I love you" across the bare skin of my back just like he always used to do. Could it be that there was still some hope for us?


The next morning I wake up alone, his side of the bed empty, the sheets cold and no indication anywhere that he had ever been in my room. I know I hadn't dreamt it, it was too real.

Getting out of bed I pull on some clothes and head to Damian's room, maybe now he would be willing to hear me out, there was so much he needed to hear, things he needed to know. There was going to be alot to take in and get his head round but if we love each other we can get through it right?

Taking a deep breath I knock on his door and almost immediately he answers but this time when he looks at me there is nothingbut anger.

"What do you want Quinn?" He asks

"I thought maybe now you would be willing to hear me out" I say nervously

"I told you, you're too late. It's too late, please just leave me alone" he says

"But last night............"

"Was about me getting you out of my system nothing more, nothing less" he says "it didn't mean anything"

"But you........I felt........."

"What ever you think you felt you're wrong" he says "it's just your imagination. Last night was a one off it won't happen again"

"So that's it? You just use me and throw me away like I never mattered to you?" I ask and he sighs "I know what I felt and I didn't imagine it. There is alot you don't know, that you need to know.......it isn't just about you and me it's bigger than that"

"Quinn please stop, accept that we are done and go home" he says

"I can't.......not until you listen to what I have to say" I say "not everyone is your friend, and there is someone who doesn't deserve you being so cold"

"Yeah and not everyone that says they love you actually does" he says "now I have things to do......goodbye Quinn" he says closing the door in my face and leaving me stood in the corridor feeling completely foolish.

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