6. Questions

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Damian POV

By the time I got back to the hotel it was late, I felt for sure that Quinn would be sleeping but I had told I come back to her and his was the start of me not letting them down.

When I get her room I knock gently so as not to startle her but there is no response, something tells me to try the door and when I do it opens. I find Quinn fast asleep on the bed and I can't help but smile, she had left the door unlocked for me, she had trusted me to come back and she had made sure I could.

I walk over to the bed and grab the remote to turn off the TV, I notice that her eyes are red and her cheeks are wet. In her hand is her phone with a photo of our son on the screen. I could only imagine what she had had to deal with on her own and how scared she must be at the thought of possibly losing him.

I take of my shoes and lay on the bed behind her, I hesitate at first unsure if should but then I wrap my arm around her and pull her back against me. She let's out a soft sigh and seems to snuggle further against me.

I had missed being like this with her, I had missed having her in my arms. If I was being honest with myself I wanted her back but I had no idea what she wanted. I still wanted to marry this woman that hadn't changed but would she want that?

So many questions and plenty of time to get the answers, I kiss her temple softly and she smiles a little. "I'm so sorry Quinn" I whisper "I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you both needed me. I'm sorry I wouldn't listen I'm just so sorry" I say stroking her hair out of her face.

"You were right about what you felt, I love you, I never stopped. You are still mi ángel and you always will be" I say "sweet dreams baby and I'll see you in the morning light"

I lay my head on the pillow next hers, close my eyes and listen to her breathing, soon my eyes get heavy and sleep takes over.

Quinn POV

When I wake there is a beam of daylight streaking across the room. I try to move but find myself stuck, looking down I see familiar arms wrapped around my waist and I can't help but smile. He had come back just like he said he would, he does care.

I lightly run my finger tips along his tattooed arm wondering just how long I had slept in his arms. Waking up like this was always my favourite thing in the world and the way it made me feel was just the same.

"Good morning mi ángel" he whispers "did you sleep well?"

"Good morning D, I did thank you" I smile "I never expected to wake up like this though" I chuckle

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have assumed I.. I'll move" he says nervously but I tighten my grip on his arm

"Don't, this is nice, it's been a long time since anyone held me" I sigh "I hadn't realised how much I needed it"

"You were asleep when I got here and you'd been crying I didn't want to leave you" he says "I know you're scared but our boy is going to be alright"

"I hope so because I don't think my heart could take losing another person I love" I sigh "I lost you and now this it's like I'm being punished"

"Punished for what Quinn?" He asks "what aren't you telling me?"

I fall silent knowing I can't tell him here, I know I'm being watched and that asshole knows he's with me. If I try he'll call him away again. It has to wait until we are with Dante.

"Let's focus on getting to Dante, we can talk about the rest after" I say turning in his arms to face him. Hesitantly I reach out and run my fingers over his beard and down his cheek.

Damian leans in and with a smile presses his lips to mine, I return the kiss keeping my hand on his cheek but all too soon he breaks it and moves back from me.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" he says "we have a lot to work out and I'm just jumping ten feet ahead. I've arranged my time off, we could go to Dante today if you want to?" He says

"Really? Yes absolutely, let's go" I say excitedly "I'm already packed so we can just go to the airport now"

"Woah woah, mi ángel are you running from something? Or someone?" He asks looking deep in my eyes "I wish you'd tell me something"

"Kind of but I will explain once we are away from here" I say "I just need us to be where there will be no interruptions, just the three of us"

"Listen to me no matter where we are it will always be just the three of us" he says cupping my cheek "nobody and nothing can or will change that"

For a moment he just looks at me like he wants to ask me something but then he smiles and pulls me into his arms against his chest. This was the man I had fallen in love with not the cold angry man I had found the day I came back. Somehow he was starting to come back to me I just needed to hope it would stay that way.

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