14. Take Care Of You

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Quinn POV

After getting something to eat we had made our way slowly back to hospital. We had been waiting what seemed like and eternity for some to come and tells us something, anything about Dante.

"Sit down mi àngel" Damian says placing his hands on my arms and kissing my temple "all this pacing can't be doing you or baby any good"

"I just want to know that he's alright" I sigh as he guides me to a chair "I just want to see him"

"I know, I do too" he says wrapping his arm round my shoulder "he's in the best hands and no news is good news"

I rest my head on his shoulder and briefly close my eyes when I hear the door creak causing my eyes to snap back open.

I look up and see the doctor walking towards us removing his mask, his face completely unreadable and my heart sinks.

"Dante's surgery was successful" he says "we've closed the whole and everything is working just fine"

"Oh thank god, can we see him?" I ask

"He's still in recovery being monitored for now" he says "you should be able to see him in the morning"

"But he's alright?" Damian asks "he's going to be alright?"

"He's going to be just fine" he smiles "you have quite the little fighter"

"See I told you" Damian smiles, he the thanks the doctor and shakes his hand before turning back to me "come on let's get you home, you need rest"

The whole journey home I couldn't help but want to go back and be with our little boy. I didn't want to leave him there alone I wanted to be with him.

When we got home I had sat down on the couch and just gone into some kind of daze so much so I hadn't even realise Damian had left the room until he came back in.

"Take my hand mi àngel and come with me" he says softly and I do as he asks.

He guides me upstairs past the bedroom and into the bathroom. I fond that he has run me a bath, rose petals float on top of the water and there are tealight around the room.

"Get in mi amor" he says kissing my temple "I'm going to take care of you"

Damian helps me out of my clothes and then guides me over to the bath. Taking me by surprise he scoops me up in his arms and then slowly lowers me into the warm water.

"Are you joining me?" I ask and he smiles

"That's up to you" he says "I know we are taking it slow I didn't want to push my luck"

"Kit off Mr priest and get in here with me" I chuckle

I watch as he removes his clothes revealing his muscular, toned, tattooed body. He truly is a sight to behold.

He steps into the bath behind me and slowly lowers himself in. I shift myself forward so that he can sit behind me and once he's in a lean back agaisnt him.

He grabs a sponge and begins to gently wash me and I close my eyes enjoying his touch.

"This is nice" I whisper "thank you for doing this for me"

"Lile I said I want to take care of you" he says "I always want to take care of you"

"You've had a lot to take in these last few weeks" I say "everything with finn, finding out about Dante and now the new baby, how are you holding up?" I ask

"Nervous, anxious but also excited and over the moon" he says "I have everything I have ever wanted and at the same time I'm scared of losing it all over again"

"I'm not going anywhere mi tesoro" I say wrapping my arms over his as he tightens them around me "I want you, I want this, I want us and I'm never letting anyone make me walk away again I promise"

At my words Damian begins to kiss down my neck, I let go of his arms to reach back and place my hand on the back of his head as I close my eyes.

His hands gently caress my breasts and I push myself back agaisnt his growing erection. One of his hands slides down my body and between my legs, as I turn my head to kiss him passionately his fingers start to rub slow circles over my clit.

"Oh god" I moan "D I need you"

"Turn around mi àngel" he whispers "let me make love to you"

I turn myself to face him and he guides me down onto him. He enters me slowly both of us gasping out in pleasure.

His fingers grip my hips as he controls their movements. Roll by roll of my hips  the pace quickens until the bathwater is slpashing over on to the floor amid our moans of pleasure as we bring each other to the high we both clearly need.

As we catch our breath I rest my head agaisnt his. I look into his eyes and all I see is love and I feel so incredibly stupid for ever letting someone convince me to walk away.

He presses his lips to mine lovingly and I melt into him. Our lips part and without a moments hesitation the words fall from my lips.

"Stay mi tesoro, live here with us" I ask and he silently nods before kissing me again.

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