23. See You Smile

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Quinn POV

Opening my eyes and turning over I immediately see that Damian's side of the bed is empty. The sheets and pillow are cold suggesting that he's been gone for a while.

Then notice the baby monitor is switched off and I relax knowing that he has once again left me to sleep while he takes care of Dante.
I stretch a little before getting out of bed and making my way to the bathroom. As I do I hear the sweet giggles of our baby boy along with the deep laughter of his papi.

I push open the door slowly and find myself laughing at the sight that greets me. Dante is in his little bath tub which Damian has placed in the centre of our bath tub. He spashing around and has soap suds all over his head and on the end of his nose.

Damian also has soaps suds all over his head and his t shirt is soaked from Dante's splashing. I was happily as Dante reaches out to him, his small hand full of suds and squashes it on to Damian's nose.

"Your trying to make papi look as funny as you aren't you" Damian chuckles as Dante beams at him

"What a pair of handsome boys" I smile and Damian turns to look at me

"Well good morning mami" he smiles "I hope we didn't wake you?"

"No not at all" I smile "why are you bathing him so early?"

"Well little man and I decided we were going to take you out today" he says lifting him out of the bath and wrapping him up I  towel "we both miss your smile, so we decided that we would treat you to all your favourite things and have some quality family time"

"I like the sound of that" I smile "now by all do you mean..........."

"The scented candle shop I hate.........yes thats included" he chuckles "but it's a one time thing"

"Ooh then mami better go get ready" I say excitedly "I love you" I say giving both him and Dante a quick kiss before rushing out of the room.

"We love you too" he calls after me

Within mere moments, I am dressed, ready and in the car with my two favourite boys on the way to the mall. When we get there Damian starts to park up in a normal space until I remind him he can use the parent and child ones.

Once Dante is in his pushchair we head I side, I link my arms through Damian's as he pushes Dante. We don't walk far before we stop, he motions for me to take a seat and leaves me with Dante.

"What is papi up to?" I ask and he smiles at me

When he returns my face lights up when I see what he is holding.

"One passionfruit bubble tea with Pineapple popping boba" he smiles as he hands it to me "it's still you're favourite right?" He asks

"You bet it is" I smile "thank you"

"Mmm this is so good" I say taking a sip "thank you"

"Don't thank me yet I'm not done" he says

"What else do you have planned?" I ask and he points ahead

"Look over there" he says and I follow his finger my jaw falling open

"Godiva?" I gasp and he nods with a big grin

"You like their truffles right?" He asks and I nod

"Yeah but there so........"

"Don't worry about that, I'm treating you" he says "then we will go to the candle shop where I know you'll spend a fortune" he chuckles

"You really didn't have to do all this" I say shyly

"Hey, I love you" he says wrapping an arm around me "and I will do anything to see that beautiful smile of yours"

"I love you" I say "I'm glad we found each other again"

"Yeah me too" he smiles

After buying the chocolates we made our way to the candle shop. Despite his protestations I get him to smell every candle in the place and help me choose which ones to buy. Every now and again I would glance at him and see a big loving smile on his face as he watched me completely in my element.

Afterwards as we made our way to the food court for lunch I found myself stopping outside a wedding dress shop. As I gazed at the beautiful dresses in the window I realised something. A big fussy wedding was not what I wanted, as beautiful as the gowns were I had no desire to have one.

"We can have a look if you want to" he says softly kissing my cheek

"No....I don't want to" I say "I don't want one"

"What are you saying?" He asks "you don't want to marry me?"

"No not at all, I want to marry you more than anything" I say looking at him and then back at the shop window "I just don't want that.......I don't want any of that"

"What do you want mi àngel" he asks

"I want something small, intimate" I say "just you, me, Dante, my mom and Rhea......that's all I need"

"I'm glad you said that" he smiles "because that is exactly what I want"

"Really you don't want all the fuss and everything?" I ask

"No, none of that really matters to me" he says "All that matters is that I marry you"

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