19. Can't Do It

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Damian POV

Walking through the hospital with Rhea I could feel my legs getting heavier and harder to move woth each step I took. I knew I had to come, to be here for Quinn so that we could grieve together but at the same time I just didn't know how I could sit with her and act normal when I needed to ask her something that would hurt her further.

"Keep up Priest" Rhea snaps "and I'm warning you, if you say one word to her about Dante and DNA tests you will need a bed in here too"

"I won't I swear, now is not the time" I say

"No" she snaps as she stops and turns to face me "it's a question you should never ask her and you fucking know it"

With that she turns and carries on walking. A part of me knew she was right, I had been able to see myself in him from the start but what if I had just been seeing what I wanted to see, what I was desperate to see.

Rhea walks into the room and immediately gives Quinn a hug. I watch as Quinn sobs quietly in her arms while my feet are stuck firmly to the floor in the doorway.

After a moment Quinn looks up, past Rhea and our eyes lock. I wanted to much to go to her and hold her but I couldn't make myself move. Shaking my head I take a step back out of the room

"I'm sorry.....I'm so sorry......I just can't do it" I say before turning and walking away.

Quinn POV

As I watch Damian walk away I felt my heart break becuase somehow I just knew Finn had gone through with his threat. If he hadn't Damian would never have walked away, he would have taken me in his arms and comforted me. As I take a deep breath I notice Rhea move.

"Where are you going?" I ask Rhea as she stands up from her seat

"I'm gonna bring him back.......I'm gonna kick his ass first and then I'm going to bring him back" she fumes

"Don't.....leave him" I say "he's probably finding this as hard as I am. He was so excited about the new baby, it must be killing him right now"

"Yeah i guess so" she sighs

"He told him Dante wasn't his didn’t he? Showed him a photo of me and Cody?" I ask and she looks confused

"How did you.....?"

"He text me first and said he was going to do it" I say "I had hoped with all my heart that Damian wouldn't believe him.......but he does doesn't he?" I ask

"Quinn.....it should really be him you discuss this with" she sighs

"It's fine" I nod "I will do the DNA if he wants it but I'm not going to lie this all hurts like hell, I lost our baby, I've lost him again I really can't take anymore Rhea"

"Hey it's going to be alright" she says hugging me "you two can work this out I know you can"

"I've just lost our baby, our son is sick I don't have the capacity to deal with his doubts and Finn's mind games" I sigh "I think it's best that we end this now before it gets any worse. Don't get me wrong I love him more than anything but I can't keep doing this"

"I'll call him, get him to come back" she says "you guys can talk and figure things out" she pleads

"No Rhea, I don't want to see him" I say as tears fill my eyes "I just want to grieve on my own and take care of our boy"

Damian POV

I had only made it as fair as the hospital forecourt, I been out here pacing I front of the door for what seemed like ages. She was going to know something was up for sure and she was going to have questions but how do I even broach this with her right now.

"Priest you fucking tool" Rhea shouts making me jump "why did you walk away.........you know what don't answer that it doesn't matter, you messed everything up anyway"

"Wait what do you mean?" I ask and she crosses her arms

"She knows, he text her before he did it" she says "she'll give you the DNA if you want it but she doesn't want to see you"

"What is she saying?.........that it's over? We're over?" I ask and she just nods silently "no.......no I can't accept that.......wanting to be sure doesn't mean I don't love her......I do more than any of you could understand"

"But you don't trust her" she says raising a finger to silence me as I open my mouth "if you doubt Dante is yours even a little bit then you don't trust her......if you did you would have no doubts"

"I didn't until I saw that photo" I sigh "you have to help me nightmare.......I can't lose her"

"I tried.....it didn’t work" she says "You're on your own with this one Priest........don't speak to me unless it's to tell me you've fixed this mess" she says before walking away

How the hell was I going to fix this?

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