8. Papi

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Quinn POV

As we approached the front door of my house, something we had done many times before I could tell that Damian was becoming more and more nervous the closer we got to the door.

He gripped my hand tightly and I could hear him taking steadying breaths. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze as I put my key in the lock and then he stops me.

"Are you sure I should stay here? I saw a hotel close by maybe that would be better.......you know in case he doesn't take to me" he says nervously

"D relax, he's going to love you, you're his papi" I smile cupping his cheek "I just hope you're not too precious about your beard he likes to pull them"

"Oh I don't mind" he smiles "I just don't want to mess this up"

"You won't becuase I won't let you" I say opening the door "Mom?" I call out as we enter

"Through here sweetheart" she calls back "momma's here Dante" I hear her say and then I hear the sweet giggles of my baby boy and when I look at Damian he's stopped moving.

"You ok?" I ask

"Yeah....sorry he just suddenly became real" he smiles "that was the sound of our son"

"Yes it was.......are you ready to meet him?" I ask and he nods

We walk into the room and my mom smiles at us, straight way she holds Dante out to me and I take him in my arms. He looks up at me with his big brown eyes and I just melt.

"Hey mi ángel I've missed you" I say kissing his forehead "there's some one special I'd like you to meet.......this is your papi dante" I say turning him to face Damian.

Damian POV

The second I look at our son I'm hooked, he is nothing short of perfect. He grins up at me and I feel a sense of pride. I give him my little finger and he grips it so tightly and I feel myself relax a little.

"Hey little man......I'm your papi" I say softly "I'm so happy to meet you, and I have something for you" I smile reaching down and taking the bear from my bag. Quinn smiles at me as I hand it to him, he takes it and pulls it to his chest.

"I think he has a new favourite toy" Quinn smiles "would you like to hold him?"

"Can I?" I ask and she nods as she places him gently in my arms, I look down at him and he seems even smaller in my arms. I was finding it very hard to believe I was holding my own child, my own flesh and blood. It had only been a minute but I already loved him so much.

"So she finally got you to listen huh?" Her mom asks

"Yeah, it's nice to see you again Julianne" I smile "I'm just sorry it took me so long"

"It's nice to see you too runner bean" she smiles "I'll leave you two to it, see you later" she says before giving Quinn a hug and leaving

"She's going to call me that for the rest of my life isn't she" I chuckle

"Pretty much" she smiles, just then Dante starts to cry and wriggle a little

"What did I do?" I ask panicking

"Nothing he's just hungry" she says "I'll get his bottle ready and you can feed him if you like?"

"I'd like that" I smile "does your mom know everything?" I ask

"Yes, that's wh she wouldn't let me give up trying to make you listen" she says as she places a bottle into a bottle warmer "you've probably already worked out I was pregnant before I left, I was going to tell you but I was stopped"

"Stopped by who?" I ask

"I'll get to that" she says swallowing hard "he comes to see me, he told me that I was distracting you, that you weren't focusing properly because of our relationship. He told me to leave you and I refused"

"But you did leave me" I say

"Yes because..........because he threatened me" she says "before we met, before I came to wwe I did some adult photoshoots. After I refused he went looking for something to use agaisnt me and he found them. Knowing that the boss would not be ok with those pictures getting out, he said either I left you or he would release them and get me fired"

Quinn takes a few deeps breaths before continuing

"I didn't want them getting out so I agreed, when I came to meet you that night I had intended to end our relationship but when I saw the trouble you had gone to I couldn't do it. Then you proposed and more than anything I wanted to say yes but I couldn't. I never meant to hurt you D I swear.......you were everything I ever wanted.......you still are" she sobs as tears flow down her cheeks.

With my free arm I pull her into my side and kiss the top of her head "it's ok mi ángel, he's not going to hurt you anymore"

She pulls away from me to grab the bottle and motions for me to sit down. She slowly runs the bottle over Dante's lips and when he takes it she allows me to take over. I watch as he feeds contentedly his eyes never leaving my face

"Told you he'd love you" she smiles

"Quinn....I know this hasn't been easy for you but I'm going to need a name baby" I say "I need to know who to punish"

"I've already told you too much.....you saw that last message" she says

"And I told you, I'm going to take care of that now" I say "I don't know about you but I want another shot at us, but to do that we need to get rid of the person that destroyed us......please give me a name"

"It's........it's......" Quinn pauses and takes a deep breath "it's Finn"

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