11. Memories

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Quinn POV

After breakfast I had gone to get ready for our family day. I was greatful for how easily Damian had accepted his son, how natural he was with him and that he wanted to spend quality time with him.

Not knowing what the future held for our precious little boy it was important to me that they had this time, that Damian got to make some memories with him......just in case.

When I reach the top of the stairs I find Damian waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs with Dante in his car seat.

"Come on mami, we've been waiting ages haven't we little man" he smiles and Dante giggles and then I'm hit with a twinge of sadness, there was a chance we might never get to hear our little boy speak, me may never hear him say mama or dada. "You ok mi àngel?" He asks wrapping his free arm around me and kissing my temple

"Yeah just something occurred to me that's all" I say sadly

"Hey, he's going to be just fine, we have to be positive for him" he says "thinking the worst isn't going to help anyone"

"I know I just........I'm scared" I say as he guides me towards the door

"I know but you don't need to be" he says "he's half you and half me, fighting is in his blood"

"You're right" I smile "so where are we going?"

"Well I thought we could take him to the Zoo, he can look at the animals and there's a soft play area" he says "and then your mom has agreed to have him tonight so that I can take you out"

Despite his determination to be positive his eyes as always gave him a way. I could see in those beautiful deep brown eyes the same fear I felt and I knew he was trying to do the same thing I had been doing....making sure what ever life our son had was the best.

"Sounds good" I smile "though I don't know what I did to deserve you taking me out"

"You you love me enough to give me another chance" he says pecking my lips

The drive to the zoo is a quiet one with Damian every now and again looking into the rear view mirror to check on Dante who had very quickly fallen asleep hugging the bear Damian had given him.

When we arrive Damian carefully takes Dante out of the car and puts him into his waiting pushchair. He covers him with his blanket and then fastens him in.

As we walk I link arms with Damian as he pushes our son. Eventually he wakes up and Damian insists on carrying him so that he can see everything better.

I walk behind and watch as he points out all the animals to Dante and makes their noises making him laugh. Half way round we find a petting zoo and I take plenty of photos of him sat on the ground, Dante on his knee while little bunnies climb over his legs.

He helps a smiling Dante to stroke one of them and softly kisses his temple. Then I see that look in his eyes, that look that says he loves that little boy and he doesn't want to lose him.

"What do you think about getting Dante a pet?" He asks

"Isn't he a little young for that?" I ask "what did you have in mind?"

"Well he seems to love these bunnies" he says "what about a rabbit?"

"We'll see" I smile "you're not the one that will have to look after it"

After spending a little more time at the petting zoo we carry on our walk around the rest of the main zoo. Watching Damian with Dante warmed my heart especially seeing that the smile had never left Damians face.

The beep of my phone takes my attention and with a deep breath I open the message.

Creep: you and that baby will never making him happy. He will just spend his time worrying and not concentrating and then he will get hurt. Do you want that on your conscience? Do the right thing, let him go, it's what's best for him and you know it.

When I look up I find Damian looking at me, slowly he walks over to me and takes my phone with his free hand. I watch as his reads the message, his brow furrowing.

"You don't believe him do you?" He asks

"No of course not" I say as he wraps his arm around me and kisses my temple

"Good, because you and Dante make me very happy, out little family is what is best for me and I'm not going to let you leave me again" he says "don't worry I'll deal with him when I go back and he will leave you alone"

"D don't do anything stupid. Don't take any risks" I plead

"I won't I promise" he says "but this ends when I go back. Now let's forget about him and enjoy the rest of our day, and then our evening alone" he says pressing a loving kiss to my lips

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