12. Stay Calm

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Damian POV

As I walked into the arena I could feel myself getting angrier with every step I took. My eyes scanned every corner of the backstage area looking for one particular face. All I wanted to do was grab him and pound him into the ground but I had promised Quinn I wouldn't. I had to admit trying to think of a way to deal with him that didn't involve my fists wasn't easy, in fact it was damn near impossible.

"Hey priest welcome back, how's Quinn and Dante?" Rhea asks

"Hey nightmare, Dante is doing good and Quinn.....well she's scared which is understandable" I say "I need to speak to Hunter and see about getting time off to be there when he has his surgery"

"Does he have a date yet?" She asks

"Yeah, end of next week" I sigh "Quinn's not the only one who is scared"

"He'll be fine you'll see" she says rubbing my arm "he needs his papi to be strong for him"

"He's so perfect" I smile "he's a perfect mixture of the two of us, I loved him the second I laid eyes on him. I've finally got what I always wanted"

"And what about you and Quinn?" She asks

"We are taking it a day at a time but we're together" I smile "I think we've realised how much we need and love each other"

Just then I hear foot steps coming up behind me, and then I hand slaps my back. I turn to find Finn behind me and I find myself balling up my fists as I try to stay calm under Rhea's watchful gaze.

"Good to see you Priest" he grins "please tell me you've finally fucked that girl out of your system and moved on"

That was all it took for me to see red and snap, I lunge forward, grab him by the throat and pin him to the wall bringing my face as close as I can to his.

"You watch your mouth when you talk about Quinn, becuase of you I've been miserable for the last 12 months, becuase of you I missed the first six months of my sons life and her entire pregnancy" I growl "give me a reason to break your face, please I'm begging you"

"Tranquilo big man, tranquilo" he says wide eyed as he tries to free himself from my grip


"Priest! Stop! He's not worth it and you promised Quinn" Rhea says trying to pull me off

"I was doing what I thought was best for you?" He says "you were distracted, you weren't focusing. I thought if she was out of the picture you'd be better" he says

"If you had talked to me about it you would have found out that I had been distracted and unfocused because I was nervous as hell about proposing to her" I growl "I'd be married now if it wasn't for you, instead the only woman who ever truly had my heart walked out of my life"

"I had no idea, I'm sorry man really I am" he says "but let's face it, the way she was with all the guys round here can you really be sure he's yours?"

For a moment I zone out in haze of complete anger and I all I hear is loud crack and the sound of some one hitting the floor. When I snap out of it I realise I'm no longer holding Finn and he's on the floor holding his nose.

"I....I think you broke it" he stammers "what is wrong with you?"

"Oh my god Priest, Quinn is not going to like this you could get suspended" Rhea says "he deserved it but you are going to be in so much trouble"

"Good then I can be with them where I'm needed" I say "it's the only place I want to be right now"

Quinn POV

Sinking into my pillow I let out a sigh, I had gone so used to Damian being beside me the last few days that I hated being in this bed alone. I turn over and pull the other pillow close to me breathing in his scent.

I knew he had found leaving us hard, waving him off at the airport had been hard for me too, even Dante cried once he couldn't see his papi anymore and realised he wasn't coming back.

I just had to keep telling myself that he'd be back here soon, he'd be here before I knew it, that I wouldn't have to miss him for long.

I'm just starting to close my eyes when I hear some one coming up the stairs. I stay where I am frozen to the spot as the bed dips, an arm wraps around me and lips brush the back of my shoulder.

"I love you" a familiar voice whispers and just like that I relax

"D?" I say turning to face him "what are you..........."

He silences me with a finger to my lips and a shake of his head. Silently he presses his lips to mine and instantly deepens the kiss. He moves me onto my back so he is over me as his lips begin to travel down my neck and his hands roam my body.

"Mi tesoro, are you alright?" I ask as my eyes close at the feeling of his lips gliding over my skin

"Sshh mi àngel, please just let me be with you" he whispers "tell me you love me"

"I love you" I whisper, his lips find mine once again as he eases into me gently, filling me completely

Slowly he makes love to me just like he always used to and I'm a confusion of ecstasy and worry because I know something is wrong. With each roll of his hips he drives deeper into me and I find myself biting down on his shoulder to stop myself waking Dante up.

Together we reach our high and fall over the edge, he rests his head against mine as we catch our breath and when he finally moves he lays beside me with his head resting over my heart.

"Please don't be mad mi àngel but I got suspended" he says quietly "for a month"

"Mi tesoro what did you do?" I ask

"He kept running his mouth about you so I hit him.......I broke his nose" he says "I sorry I know I promised but I couldn't stand him talking about you like that"

"Oh D" I sigh "if you were going to break your promise you could have at least knocked him out" I say and he chuckles

"So you're not mad?" He asks looking up at me

"No, I love that you defended me but I do wish you hadn't gotten into trouble" I say "but at least you will be here next week"

"I told you we would go through it together and I meant it" he says "I know this wasn't the plan but it worked in our favour"

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