5. Dante

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Quinn POV

Sitting down on the bed of my hotel room I look at the photo of my smiling six month old son my mom had sent me. He was the sole reason for me being here, he was going to need his dad, we both were going to need him.

A knock on the door shakes me from my thoughts. Mindlessly I walk over and open the door not taking my eyes of my phone screen

"Quinn" a familiar voices says causing me to jump and hide my phone

"D.......what can I do for you?" I ask "don't think what happened last time will happen again because it won't"

"No no I.......I was hoping we could talk" he says "I know I've been stubborn and unreasonable but I'm ready to listen"

"Sure" I say moving aside, I vould hardly believe this was happening, that the moment was finally here. The only thing left to worry about was his reaction.

"Who's kid were you looking at? Did your sister have a baby?" He asks before looking at my face "sorry I know I shouldn't have been looking"

"It's fine" I say "we have a lot to discuss but I'm going to start with the most important, this is Dante" I say handing him my phone "his full name is Dante Jorge Priest.....he's your son"

"M....mine" he stammers "how old is he?"

"He's six months old and he is the reason I am here" I say "he's going to need his papi soon, we both are"

"What do you mean?" He asks his eyes searching mine "and why didn't you tell me sooner"

"I've been trying to since I left but you wouldn't take me calls" I sigh "Dante is sick, he has a congenital heart defect"

"A what? What does that mean?" He asks "is he going to die?"

"It means he has a hole in his heart, it's too big to close on its own so he will need surgery soon" I say fighting back tears "I know they have to prepare you for the worst but hearing that your baby might not make it through the surgery is......." before I can finish I break down. Damian crouches down infront of my and wraps his arms around me as I sob

"It's alright I've got you" he soothes "if he is anything like his mami he's strong and a fighter. He will be alright. Our little boy is going to be fine we have to believe that"

Just like that hearing him say our little boy made my heart soar. He had accepted his son and that was what mattered the most.

"I can't handle this alone D I......I need you" I sob

"And you've got me, I'm going to be with you both every step of the way" he says "I'd like to meet him if that's possible"

"If course it is" I smile "can you get time off?" I ask

"Absolutely" he smiles "just try and stop me, I do have questions though mi ángel and I need answers"

"I know and I'm going to tell you everything I....."

I'm cut off by Damians phone ringing, I watch as he takes the call and I can tell he's trying to get rid of them quickly.

"I'm sorry mi ángel I have to go but I will come back later and we can finish talking" he says kissing my forehead "promise you won't leave"

"I promise" I smile, I watch him leave and the second the door closes my own phone beeps

Creep: Nice try, if you think I'm going to let you tell him you're mistaken. He doesn't need you

At this point I didn't care what this asshole did to me he wasn't going to stop me telling D. Even if I had to wait until he was home with me away from here, away from him. He was going to find out.

Damian POV

I could barely believe it, I was a father, I had son. I had wanted I had always wanted with Quinn....a family.

It was more than clear how painful our sons illness is for her and that they both need me. I was determined to be there for them both, I had no idea what that meant for me and Quinn but we could take it one step at a time and work it all out together.

I had lost her once and I didn't want ro lose her again. I was going to be better for her I had to be she needs me to be.

If it hadn't of been for the fact that I was needed for a run through we would still be talking.

Looking at Dante I had felt so much love for him instantly he was the image of his mami but at the same time you could tell he was mine. Right here right now I was making a vow that I would never ever let him down.

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