15. The Things You Make Me Feel

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Quinn POV

After we had finished our bath we had adjourned to the bedroom,  at this point neither of us were hungry for food, the only sustenance we needed right now was each other.

We had made love before, conceived a child but we had so much lost time to catch up on and one childless night to make the most of. Dante hadn't completely left my mind but right now I needed whatever Damian could give me.

As my head sinks into the soft pillow I bite on my lip as I smile, watching him softly kiss his way down my body like he was exploring it for the first time. His lips brush over every curve, every line and every nerve ending driving my body insane with its need for release.

He kisses every inch of skin he can find before finally placing his head between my legs, his warm breath fanning against my already heated core. He flicks the tip of tongue against my clit earning an audible gasp from me, he smirks up at me as he repeats the movement, I try to move myself closer desperate for some friction but he moves away.

"We don't need to rush mi àngel we have all night" he says softly as he kisses my inner thigh

"I need more" I breathe "please don't tease"

"Mmmm like this?" He asks before dragging his tongue painfully slowly over my clit

"Oh shit......yes......please don't stop" I moan

"Todavía sabe tan dulce para papi" he smirks before accommodating my request.

Tangling my fingers into his hair I hold him where I need him as my hips buck against his tongue. Each stroke a delicious kind of torture until eventually my body can take no more and finds its release.

Breathless I pull him up to me and make our lips meet tasting myself on his tongue as it dances with mine. For some reason tonight I just couldn't get enough of this man, I wanted him in any way I could have him until I could take no more.

"Time to return the favour, lay back mi tesoro" I whisper and he moves onto his back.

Just like he had done with me I take my time kissing every inch of his body, inhaling his intoxicating sent as I do. I take his hard length in my hand and stroke it slowly as my lips continue their descent of his body.

I can feel him trying to guide me to where he wants me but I resisit him until I'm ready. Positioning myself between his legs I look up at him as I tease the tip of his cock with the tip of my tongue. He bites down on his lip, closes his eyes and throws his head back as his hand grips the back of my head.

"Please mi àngel, don't tease" he pleads

"We have all night remember" I smirk "or is papi too desperate to wait"

"Please mi àngel" he pleads again and I lower my head taking him in my mouth as much as I can. Slowly I move my head up and down as his hand holds my head in place.

"Holy fuck" he moans "so good mi amor don't stop"

I start to move faster and his hips move with me, I hear his breathing quicken and I feel him grow before he eventually finds his release.

As he catches his breath I crawl back up his body and straddle his legs. He reaches up and takes my face in his hands, gently his pulls my down to him and kisses me lovingly.

"I love you" he whispers

"I love you too" I whisper back, I sit up and he watches me intently. Lifting myself up I take his length in my hand and lower myself down onto him.

The feeling of him sinking into me is simply out of this world and we both moan out in pleasure. No longer feeling the need to take my time I begin to roll my hips at a quick pace. His finger tips dig into my skin and his hips match the movements of mine.

"That's it mi àngel, just like that" he breaths

"Oh....oh......oh.....my.....god" I moan out "I'm close D.......I'm close"

A deep guttural growl is all I hear from him as we both once again find our release. I move off him to lay on my side beside him, gently he wraps his arms around me from behind and pulls my body flush agaisnt his placing a soft kiss on the back of my shoulder.

I wrap my arms over his and I can feel his heart beating. Mindlessly I run my finger tips over his tattooed skin wondering how I had ever managed to go 12 months without him.

"What you asked me earlier" he says "are you sure?"

"Yes of course I am" I say "I want you here with us, I want this family to be together"

"Every night we were apart I'd dream about you" he says kissing my shoulder "I'd be holding you just like this, I'd tell you I loved you and then you'd disappear and my arms would be empty. I'd wake up look at the empty space beside me and cry. I've never loved anyone the way I love you mi àngel, I want to be with you and Dante every waking moment so if you're sure then my answer is still yes"

"You've had my heart from day one, I've never met anyone like you" I smile "the things you make me feel, I've never felt before in my life. A future without you is not a future I want. You, Dante  and the baby are everything I need"

"Cásate conmigo, mi ángel" he says "Sé mío para siempre"

"Sí" I reply "sí, con todo mi corazón"

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