9. All This Time

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Damian POV

The second his name left her lips I felt an explosion of emotions. I was furious, I was hurt, I was betrayed and I wanted to rip him apart limb from limb. I had felt my breathing quicken as I gritted my teeth and my eyes widened.

The next thing I knew Dante was screaming in my arms, he must have picked up on how angry I was and I must have terrified the poor little guy.

Quinn had quickly taken him from me and calmed him, eventually he had fallen asleep in her arms and she had taken him to out him down for a nap.

While she did that I was sat here with my head in my hands, I felt nothing but guilt for scaring my son and fear that he would never want to be near me again......I had done what I was afraid I'd do, I'd messed it up.

"Hey" Quinn says softly as she rests her hand on my leg "you ok?"

"Never mind me, is Dante alright?" I ask

"He's fine don't worry, he's sleeping" she soothes

"I...I never meant to scare him.....I'm...I'm so sorry Quinn I messed up" I sigh

"No you haven't" she says "I'm partially to blame I should have waited until he was down for his nap. I just couldn't wait any longer to get it off my chest"

"I just.....I don't know how to feel" I say standing up and pacing round the room "he's been like a brother to me and he took away the one thing that mattered to me. He cost me my future with you, I missed out on your pregnancy, the first six months of my sons life.....I've missed so much becuase of him..I wanna.....I wanna kill him!"

Quinn POV

I watch as Damian paces around the room like a cadged animal, I knew he'd be angry but I hadn't expected him to be murderously angry. I had seen him angry before but never like this, truth be told he had scared me a little too.

As he paces he mutters inaudibly to himself, raking his hands through his hair and then dragging them down his face. I'm about to ask if he wants to be left alone when he head snaps up like he's realised something.

He strides over to me stopping right in front of me and takes my hands in his large ones looking deep into my eyes.

"Quinn.....I know you told me a lot of stuff just now but did......did you say that you wanted to say yes? Because I'm sure that's what I heard" he asks

"Yes.....yes I did" I say never taking my eyes of the handsome man infront of me who had stolen my heart all those years ago "marrying you was my dream, that and us having a family"

Smiling in relief he pulls me against his chests and wraps his arms around me tightly "thank god" he whispers "all this time I've been wondering what I did wrong, if you had stopped loving me, if your feelings had changed and this whole time you still loved me"

"I told you I never stopped" I say as I listen to his heart beating "it was never about how I felt, I was scared of being the centre of a scandal, of being fired, of your feelings changing. Even though I did what he asked he still took them to hunter and tried to get me fired. Luckily he already knew I was pregnant and my maternity leave covered what would have been a suspension"

"So your still with the company?" He asks

"Kind of, it all depends on Dante" she says "I need to get him through surgery first before I make any decisions"

"I think you mean we need to get him through surgery" he says smiling down on me "you know with what just happened I'll understand if you don't want me to stay here"

"Your not going anywhere" I smile tightening my arms around me and follows suit smiling down at me. Without a moments hesitation he leans down and captures my lips in a soft loving kiss.

Each stroke of his lips agaisnt mine lingers longer and I feel the tip of his tongue run over my bottom lip. I allow him entrance and start to move my fingers into his hair but he stops and moves his face back from mine.

"I'm sorry.....I'm sorry.....I know we said a day at a time but I can't help it" he says "all I want to do is be with you, I've missed you and believe it or not Dante isn't the only one who needs you"

"I don't believe I was complaining Mr Priest and I don't recall telling you to stop" I smile as I run my hands up his chest "I need you too"

"Be my girl again Quinn" he says resting his head against mine and I chuckle softly "damn it.......I'm jumping ten feet ahead again aren't I promise I'll try to be more patient I......"

"Yes" I say cutting him off

"What?" He asks looking at me dumbfounded

"I said yes" I smile and a huge grin crosses his face. Swiftly he scoops me up and spins me around before gently setting me down.

"Te amo mi ángel. Quiero caminar esta vida contigo al lado siempre" he says softly

"Te amo mi tesoro" I reply

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