24. The Truth

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Quinn POV

The last few months had passed without issue, we had settled into a united family life and had even developed some routines for Dante. With him a few weeks away from his first birthday we had been focused on organising his party. Damian had also been trying to get him to say papi or dada but so far there had been nothing.
The older Dante gets and the more he grows the more he looks like Damian and I loved it.

Dante is sat with Damian eating his dinner, at the moment he likes to be fed and self feed at the same time. He seems to enjoy getting his hands in his food and playing with it much to the detriment of Damian's wardrobe.

A knock at the door shakes me from my thoughts and washing the dinner plates. Damian looks up but I walk over and place a hand gently on his shoulder.

"I'll go" I say kissing his temple "it might be some o f the stuff we ordered for the party"

"Shout me if you need help mi àngel" he says as I head towards the door.

I make my way there slowly believing there is no rush, I pull open the door and what greets me makes my blood run cold and my heart rate speed up. I'm about to shout when Finn shakes his head and puts a finger to his lips.

"I just want to talk to you please" he whispers

Against my better judgement I step outside and close the door behind me. I stay by the door and fold my arms across myself as I stair at him.

"Make it quick" I say "he'll be looking for me if I take to long"

"First I wanted to apologise.......for everything" he says "I know now that I never should have done what I did, it was wrong and you both got hurt which wasn't fair"

"Is this speech going to include something I don't know?" I ask "or are you just wasting my time?"

"I'm getting there" he says "I did what I did not because you were bad for Damian but becuase I was jealous. You see somewhere along the way I realised that I'd fallen in love with you, I knew I couldn't compete with him so I thought if you had a reason to hate him I'd have a chance"

"You ruined our lives and hurt Damian because your were in love with me?" I gasp "what kind of twisted fuck are you? Damian is my life, I will never love anyone but him. It goes without saying that I don't see you that way, I'm sorry but that's how it is"

"I know you don't, that's why I'm apologising" he says "I went about everything the wrong way, I was a jealous asshole, I truly am sorry and I hope that one day you might be able to forgive me"

"I will need forgive you for my son missing out on six months with his father" I say "why now? Why do this now?"

"Rhea told me they were going to get the truth out of me one way or another and I thought it would be better if you heard the truth from me and not them" he says "I won't keep you any longer, but I truly am sorry, you deserve the world and all it's treasures and I'm sorry for ever hurting you"

"You need to go and I never want to see you near our home again" I say

"As you wish" he says sadly.

I remain in my spot as I watch him walk up the driveway and out of view. Something seemed off about this to me, a simple threat from Rhea shouldn't have been enough to make him do this. Was that really why he was here?

I head back inside and back to where I left my boys, Damian looks up at me and his brow furrows as I walk around him. I stand behind him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"You were a while, who was it?" He asks

"Finn" I say softly and I feel him try to stand but I stop him "it's fine he's gone. He said he just wanted to talk to me"

"What did he want?" He asks "if he has upset or hurt you again I swear I will tear him apart"

"He uh.......he told me why he really did what he did......at least I think he did" I say and Damian moves me round to sit on his lap

"This I've got to hear.......go on" he says kissing my temple

"He said he did because he's in love with me" I say

"That doesn't make sense, you don't do things like that to some one you love" he says "I don't know about you but I'm not buying it"

"I'm not completely convinced" I say "but it doesn't matter because I love you and only you" I smile pecking his lips

"Yeah and I can guarantee he doesn't love you like I do........nobody can" he says kissing me back "it's you and me mi àngel, it how it was always meant to be"

"Exactly and I don't want it any other way" I say "you know there is one change I would accept"

"I've been thinking about that" he smiles "Dante is almost one and we don't want the age gap to be too big"

"That's true, we really shouldn't waste to much time" I smile and he smirks back at me and lean into his ear "if you can get our boy to sleep we can start tonight" I whisper earning a low growl from him.

"Go get yourself ready for me mi àngel" he says seductively "I won't be long"

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