25. The Right Time

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Quinn POV

While I waited for Damian I stood by our bedroom window looking up at the star filled sky, that's when I spotted it the brightest star in the sky. I smile softly as I think of our lost angel and take this as sign that now is the right time.

I had heard his footsteps on the stairs, I had heard him walk along the landing to Dante's room I had even heard him switch on the little radio for him, for some reason he sleeps better with music on. But the whole time my eyes stayed fixed on that bright star never leaving it for a second.

Large hands squeeze my hips and soft warm lips begin to caress my neck.

"Are you ready for me mi àngel?" He whispers against my skin and I feel myself shiver

"Always" I say softly as I turn to face him, maintaining his grip on my hips his eyes travel over my body taking me in

"Damn.....when did you get this?" He asks as his hands travel up my sides and his thumbs smooth over the silky fabric of my nightgown just underneath my breasts

"I saw it a couple of days a go and bought it" I smile knowing it had had the desired effect "I thought you'd like it"

"I love it" he says lowly "and I love you"

"I love you mi tesoro" I say reaching up and taking his face in my hands.

I bring his face to mine and kiss him softly, he kisses me back just as gently as his arms tighten around me. Something in the way he kisses me always takes my breath away and I can never get enough of it.

His tongue slowly glides over my lips and I grant him the entrance he craves, the second I do he deepens the kiss with a gentle hunger. As his lips move from my lips over my skin, his finger tips slide the straps off my shoulders. The light silky fabric floats Dow my body pooling my feet.

He licks his lips before scooping me up in his arms and carrying me over to the bed. He lays me down and the proceeds to remove his own clothing until just like me he is completely exposed to the cool air.

Starting at my feet he slowly, torturously kisses his way up my body, his large hand cup my breasts as he takes as much of one into his mouth as he can. His tongue delicately swirls over my already hardened nipple causing the most delicious sensation to course through my body.

Once his lips find mine I take the opportunity to let my hands roam over his body feeling every muscle, every curve, every inch of his soft warm skin.

"hazme el amor, te necesito" I whisper against his lips

"nunca necesitas preguntar, yo también te necesito" he whispers back as he teases my entrance.

Slowly he enters me, filling me completely. We both moan out at the feeling and he stills for a moment. Only needing a simple nod from me he begins to move, his thrusts are gentle but deep and his hips roll at a steady pace.

I grip his shoulders pulling him as close to me as possible, his lips once again caress my neck as he maintains his pace allowing me to savour every sensation he creates in my body. We had made love countless times but this time it was different.

He lifts himself up slightly to look down at me, a light film of sweat covers his body and it glistens under the moonlight. In this moment he looks simply beautiful, his eyes full of the love he has for me.

Before long I feel myself edging closer to release and I can tell he is almost there too, his low growls echoing in the silent room. At the right moment I pull his lips to mine muffling our moans as we both fall over the edge so as not to wake Dante.

He kisses me lovingly before moving out of me and laying beside me. He places a hand flat on my stomach and kisses my shoulder.

"You know, you speaking Spanish during sex is hot as hell" he says making me chuckle

"I can say the same thing about you" I smile "in fact you speaking Spanish anytime is hot as hell"

"I'll have to make sure to speak Spanish more often then" he smirks "you look tired mi àngel, why don't you close your eyes and get some sleep"

"That's because my fiancé tired me out" I smile "though I can't wait to call him my husband"

"You will soon, and I will be able to call you my wife" he says pulling me to him so that my back is against his chest and wrapping his arms around me "I've waited such a very long time for that moment"

"We both have" I say resting my head on my pillow "I love you mi tesoro, sleep well"

"Sweet dreams mi àngel" he whispers "I love you more than you will ever know"

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