7. My Son

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Damian POV

Carefully I packed the last of my stuff into my case before eventually hesitating and stopping altogether. My eyes rested on the stuffed bear sat beside my case, I had bought it for Dante. I had no idea if he would like or if he could even have it I just didn't want to show up empty handed.

I was a mixture of emotions right now, nervous, scared, excited and I couldn't tell which one was stronger. In a matter of hours I was going to meet my son. After Quinn left I didn't think I would ever be a father because she was the only one could see myself having a family with, and now I have it and I can't help but wonder what will, he think of me? Will he even like me?"

"You in there bro?" Matt calls out as the door to my room opens "Hey where you off too?" He asks

"We're you just going to leave and not tell us?" Austin asks "what's going on man?"

"Yea you can't go, you're needed here" Finn chimes in

"I'm going with Quinn to meet my son" I say smiling nervously "he needs me far more than anyone here does"

"He's a baby what could he possibly need that his mother can't give him?" Finn asks

"He's sick, he needs surgery, he needs me with him and Quinn needs me for support" I say "I'm sorry but my son comes before everything"

"Quinn! Don't tell me your idiot ass is taking her back?" Austin asks

"He better not be" Finn adds

"You want to join in Matt or you don't have an opinion?" I snap

"Look bro I just want you to be happy" he says "and I'm happy you two have the chance to sort things out. You have to do what makes you happy and if that's her go for it"

"Thanks man" I say before turning away to zip up my case and grab the bear, before I can do anything further the case is snatched away from and I turn to see Finn holding it.

"You can't be serious? Have you forgotten what she did? How much she hurt you?" He says "and you just going to forget it all and take her back"

"No I haven't forgotten" I say snatching the case back "we aren't back together, I don't know what she wants in that respect. But I know what I want, what I need and that's her and Dante. Now if you'll excuse me I have a plane to catch"

I push my way out of the room andhead down to the lobby to meet Quinn. I know they all saw how broken I was when she left but they also know how much I love her I just couldn't understand why they just couldn't be happy for me.

Whe I reach the lobby I find Quinn waiting with her case beside her, as I walk towards her her eyes land on me and she smiles brightly.

"Hey ready to go mi ángel?" I ask and she nods looking over my shoulder, her expression changes and I look round to see the guys near the elevator.

"On my god, it's one of them isn't it" I say searching her eyes "What happened, it has something to do with one of them doesn't it?" I ask

"Not here D please" she pleads "let's go, I'll explain everything when we get there" she says taking my hand and pulling me towards the waiting taxi.

"Just tell me one thing......did they hurt you?" I ask

"No where near as much as they hurt you" she sighs

We get in the taxi and as soon as it pulls away she starts to relax and even rests her head on my shoulder. Her phone buzzes and she jumps grabbing at her bag. I was as she nervously opens the message and then read it with her.

Creep: tell him anything and I will make sure you can no longer afford your sons medical bills

I look at her and I see nothing but fear and the tears she is fighting back. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her into my side kissing her temple.

"It's not going to happen mi ángel" I soothe "I'm here, I've got you, both of you. I'll take over his medical bills, you can put the money away for him when he's older to use for college or university"

"You don't have to do that D" she says "I would never........"

"I know you wouldn't" I smile "but he's my son too and I want to help. Whoever this is, is going to regret messing with you. There's something I need you to know Quinn" I say taking her hand in mine and playing with her fingers

"What is it?" She asks snuggling into my side

"When I said you were wrong about what you felt......I lied" I sigh "you were right about what you felt..............I still love you mi ángel"

"I still love you too" she says softly

"So where do we go from here?" I ask

"We go see Dante and then you and I will talk and I will tell you everything" she says "we can decide the next steps together depending on how you feel about everything"

"Do....do you think we could ever be like we were?" I ask

"No because we have Dante now" she chuckles "but we could always take it a day at a time and see where it takes us"

"You know I've never been patient" I say and she laughs "but I'll try"

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