chapter nineteen

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My heart was almost in my throat. I was scared.

And the closer we got to our destination, the faster it beat.

Dante and I were undeniably married, yes. But our relationship was not real. We neither shared a plutonic relationship, nor did we share a sexual one. The only relationship we shared was that of the tormentor and the tormented.

Which is why there was no reason for meeting his family.

But nevertheless we were going to meet them.

The distance between our destination and us finally dimmed as the car drove another estate.

It was smaller than Dante's absurdly huge estate but it was big.

High iron gates opened up to a beautiful ancient mansion with beautiful gardens. Fairy lights lit up the place making the place even more beautiful than it already is.

Our car finally came to halt Infront of the house and we were welcomed in by the guard.

"Good to see you again, Mr. De Leone. Good to see you, ma'am. Sir, your parents are waiting for you in the sunroom."

Dante nods, and then walks into the house, with me striding right behind him.

He unexpectedly stops, making me almost fall behind.

"Only speak when they ask. Don't talk too much, and not at any point should you mention anything about the circumstances of our marriage. When the question comes up, I will handle it."

I nod thoughtfully, before working up courage to ask the question that has been itching me for a while.

"Are your parents aware that you are in the mafia?"

"That is none of your goddamn business. Now come on, let's go."

What was I even thinking!!

I follow quietly behind him until we are standing in front of the sunroom.

Golden lights light up the whole room throwing a soft glow to the glass surrounding the whole room. The room is beautifully decorated with a grey carpet covering the room and maroon chairs in the middle of the room. Potted plants sit in ceramic pots in all corners of the room giving it a homey vibe.

Soft voices ring through the room. My eyes fall to the middle of the room where people sit down on maroon swivel chairs facing the other side of the room.

A middle-aged lady stands up first having seen us.

She has a soft smile running from ear to ear and it goes up to her eyes as she walks up to us.

As she walks closer to us, I see her properly. She has brown hair with a few grey strands in it. Her skin has a few wrinkles that are more pronounced at her eyes and mouth. Her thin lips are painted a light shade of pink. Her eyes were the same color as those of Dante, a deep set of amber.

She was slim and tall and as I looked up at her up close, she looked a bit like Dante.

That was however opposed when a tall well built man came Infront of us. He looked like the older version of Dante with only a few differences. His eyes were blue unlike the amber orbs Dante has and he was a bit shorter compared to Dante's massive height.

"We finally meet."

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