chapter fifteen

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"You are going to regret ever meeting me,wife !!"

His voice echoed through the house.

I had been given a week of peace.

After the wedding, he had travelled after an abrupt call that night.
He had gone for a week to a place I didn't know and I didn't even know what business he was tending to.

My honeymoon period was now over and it was now time for torture. I had known marriage wasn't my punishment from him and he had confirmed it that night before he left.

"Be ready wife!! Enjoy this period,call it your honeymoon period.And once I come back,the purpose of the marriage will begin. "

And he was now back .

He made his presence known as he walked up and into our room.

I flinched and my body stiffened when I heard him come in and close the door.

Still,I sat there, silently without looking behind me,too scared of what his presence meant,of what he would do to me when I turned around.

God!!I know I have not been good,but please save me,today!!

I prayed silently to the ever forgiving.

"Wife!! As much as I will love terrorizing you,this does it for the day.Being so in power,you are even scared of acknowledging my presence."

He was standing right behind me,his hands resting easily on my shoulders though the action made chills pass through my entire body.

A lot of things coursed through my brain.i was scared he would strangle me with those same arms,or even hit me.

I was too scared to look back or even relax my body.

"You need to relax,baby girl.How will you get through your torture when you are so scared with just my presence?"

How!!! I really wanted to ask him. How could I just relax knowing he could harm me any time.

Slowly,he started moving his hands, massaging my stiff shoulder.

He worked his hands and my body responded to his touch.
A little more than I wanted.

He laughed when I abruptly stood up and rid myself of his hands.

This is the first time I had seen him in a week,but he looked much more radiant and handsome

It is very wrong to get attracted to your tormenter,but how could I not? I mean look at this man!!

He was now dressed in  black office pants and a black office shirt with his sleeves folded up to his elbow revealing his big tattooed arms. His first four buttons were left open exposing more of his tattoos.

Was I checking him out?

God,what is wrong with me!!

He had a smirk on his face which means he had seen me checking him out!!

Oh fuck!

"Oh wife!!That is not the way you should be looking at your tormenter!
How is he supposed to get scared off when you keep on checking him out?"

I huffed.
I was truly embarrassed but, I was also angry.

This man conflicted my emotions and I hated it.

"You are so full of yourself .I would never check you out,never in my life!!"

I was lying,and I know he knew it, but I couldn't let him have the satisfaction of knowing I was checking him out. It was definitely wrong timing.

He laughed again.A hard laugh that would haunt me in my dreams.

"After I break you,wife.You will not be able to raise your tone to me or even lie."

That was a threat.And I knew it was.

He walked away and disappeared into the bathroom leaving me terrified of what he would do to me.

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