Chapter twenty -three

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Even though the incident had not been real, it had left an impact on me.

I always kept on thinking about it, multiple what ifs taking over my brain.

What if he had indeed planned on killing me.What if he did it again. What if it had infact been an assassin.

Sometimes I would wake up screaming in the night from his face haunting me. I kept on having nightmares about him trying to kill me. But Dante was always there.

It was confusing how he could turn from bad to good and back to bad. He had always soothed me and taken care of me till I fell asleep again when I woke up from the nightmares. But would always be the same tormenter when I was not sleeping.

I knew what had happened that night. He had revealed himself.


Took you long enough,wife!! He took off his mask and hood revealing himself with an amused smirk on his face.

Why would you do this?  I said with tears rolling down my eyes.

Because I can,wife. And little tip,wife, heavy objects are not very good weapons.They rarely help you.

I loved tormenting you,wife. And now you will learn not to meddle into my decisions. His face had now changed and he was now angry. He brought his fingers to my face, he wiped my tears away with his thumb.

Listen wife, you need to learn one thing. I make all the decisions here. If I say something,then it goes.

I nodded and then he let go of my face as he walked away, disappearing into the bathroom.

             🌴.   🌴. 🌴

The nightmares had gone away. But my tormenter was still here. I couldn't keep up with this life anymore. I had to escape. I just had to plan it carefully.

I could not escape from this place but if I could get out then I could escape.

And the chance came in when I found out Dante was leaving for important work the next day.

All I had to do was find a way to convince the guards to take me out of the estate.

So I spent the rest of the night scheming. If I went out of this place then I could escape.

The next day came by soon.
Dante was dressing up and leaving for his work and I was seating on the bed watching him.

"Don't miss me too much,wife. I will only be gone for a few days.Now be on your best behavior alright?" Did I just imagine it or was he speaking to me like I were a young child.

When he looked at me,he wore a stupid smirk.

"Why are you speaking to me like I were a kid?"

"Cause you behave like one.And you always make wrong decisions.So,I have to explain it to you carefully so that you understand."

Did he know of my escape plan? Huh, no way. He could not know about it.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, don't try anything stupid while am gone,wife. I will know of it and it won't sit well with me."

I shrugged, pretending not be a little bit shaken by what he said but in real sense, I was beginning to rethink my decision.

It wasn't time for me to change my mind.Dante will always be cunning and scary. I knew that. So his threats didn't mean a thing.

He came up to me, and sat on the bed next to me.

His fingers came up to my face and tucked a loose strand under my ear. His gaze,held some warmth but only for a second.And then it turned back to his cold and emotionless one.

I was confused.

What are you doing?"  He smiled and lowered his face to mine,only a few inches away from my lips.

He placed his arms on either side of my body,trapping me there as he closed the distance. Our lips made contact,and began moving.

For some reason I kissed him back. I savoured on his soft lips, familiarizing every inch with mine.

"I felt like I should say goodbye to my wife,the way she likes. See you soon,wife."

He stood up and left.My rugged breathing filling up the room and my heart pumping erratically within my chest.

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