Chapter thirty-one

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Anger, pain, jealousy.
That is what I felt. I had spent all that time waiting on him, to meet me, talk to me or even just look at me, and when he did, that's what I find, a stupid bimbo strapped around him.

How dare she?!

All I wanted to do was pull her fuckin hair off her scalp, beat the teeth out of her stupid mouth and just claim what's mine.

Wait! Why am I thinking this? She's a woman after all. And women support each other,Bay!!

Support my foot!! Not when they try to snatch your man.

Wait? He is my man now? Get it together Bay.

Am calm, of course. Am not trying to rip out someone's soul out of them.
God bless the soul that comes in front of me cause,they will see the worst of me!!

And so help me,but if the man that calls himself my husband dares to cross my path tonight.....

"Then? What will you do?" I heard his voice before I saw him leaning against one wall of my room,arms and feet crossed.

I was taken aback by his presence, so much that I lost words to say to him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked after I had stopped pacing back and forth in my room.

"Checking on my dear wife, who is clearly not in a good mood. Am just curious though!! What is it that you will do to me now that I have crossed your path?"

Wait, I was voicing out my thoughts! Fuck!!

"What? Did your girlfriend bore you  so much that you remembered you were married?" I asked, my voice filled with rage I hated it.

He pushed himself slowly off the wall,and walked towards me, a stupid smirk covering his face.

He was now right in front of me, his body towering over me.

I took a step back.

He took one too.


He added another and so did I until I was trapped with his body and the wall.

"Jealousy. It looks so good on you, wife."

"Who the fuck gave you the idea that am jealous?"

"Oh, but you are, wife. The jealousy has filled you up, and I like that a lot." He said as he lowered his head, his warm breath caressing my skin as he brought his head lower meeting my ear.

My heart rate increased,and I swear I felt a bead of sweat run down my hairline.

Before I knew what was going on, he abruptly brought his lips onto mine, my mouth betraying me by giving him entrance as he kissed me.

Girl... You are a goner.

His hands found my hips, as he lifted me up so I was straddled around his waist.

He held me there by one hand, the other wrapped around my neck and holding me against the wall.

The whole scene was so intense but it brought a fire within me that I liked. A little bit too much.

All of a sudden he let go, leaving me to drop down onto the floor.

He dug his hands into his pocket, bringing out a few dollar bills which he threw at me.

"Well, I guess you and the girl downstairs are the same. So easy, it gets boring..."

His words came out , shattering down on me like broken glass. I wished I was dreaming or imagining the whole thing but as I looked up at him, I knew it was all real.

His eyes, they held no emotions as I looked into them.

"You disgust me." I said,tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Didn't seem like it just a few moments ago,wife." He said, his voice strong and mixed with laughter and mockery.

"I hate you,I always will!!" I snapped.

"We will see about that,baby."He said, as he walked out of the room.

His arrogance irked me,but his confidence was scary.

I felt so stupid thinking something might have changed between us, but I only had myself to blame.

So I lay on the floor, my tears soaking the fluffy carpet till I slowly drifted to sleep.

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