Chapter twenty -four

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They all ran through my mind. I felt like my body had betrayed me. I was confused about a lot of things. And I was not certain that I wanted to escape anymore.

That kiss.

It had messed with my mind.

It wasn't the first time he had kissed me. He had kissed me at our wedding.

But unlike that kiss, this one held something. Something I could not put my hands on.

A certain awakening of emotions.

"This isn't the time to be stupid Baylyn. You know what kind of man he is and what he has done." My conscious brought me back to reality.

The kiss meant nothing.

I had to escape while I still had the chance.

And I knew the exact thing to do.

I had come to learn about the different guards that surrounded this place.

All of them were big and bad. Scary.

There was no way I would convince them to take me out.

I just needed to take advantage of their breaks.

Most of them were big fuck boys and  they often took advantage of their boss being away to get it off with the maids.

So I used that time when they sneaked off to get with the maids leaving only a few guards on guard to get out of the house unnoticed and sneaked into one of the trucks that were supposed to pick up merchandise.

How I knew? Easy.

I had eavesdropped on the conversations between Dante and his men.

Only two men were supposed to drive in this truck so as not to attract attention to themselves.

The pick up was supposed to be at a warehouse close to one of the malls I knew.

I settled myself in the back behind a large box.

My luck couldn't be any better and I thanked heavens for that.If the truck had been empty then I would have been easily discovered.

I let out a small sigh of relief when I heard the truck's engine roar into motion.

I was finally escaping.

I heard the men speak and laugh as the the truck moved, the sound of gravel indicating that we are still in the estate.

The men continued chatting, a conversation I could not understand.

The sound of gravel finally stopped,and I heard the tyres of truck run smoothly and quickly.

We were out.

That brought me relief.

Only a few moments and then I can get my freedom back.

I didn't even know how long had passed since I was captured.

"The boss left his toy home. How can he leave such a gorgeous thing all alone!! And have u seen that body of hers? Oh what I would do to get my hands on that pretty ass...." I heard one of the men say.

Were they speaking about me?

What the fuck?

"Yes,you are right Martinez. Have u seen her burst? Damn, I would fuck those tits all day!!" Another man said.

I was really disgusted. It was not at all comforting to know that I was being watched by all these men and objectified.

I had to keep my cool. Their words didn't have to bother me after escaping.

So I sat silently, trying as much as I could to block out their conversation .

And when the truck came to halt and I heard them speak upon their arrival, I let out a sigh of relief.

I had escaped!!

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