Chapter three

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Mystery man

I knew one thing,the place I had chosen to finish this business was wrong.

Anybody could have popped up any minute.

But I didn't care.

I didn't like being double crossed. And Julio had done that.

Once upon a time,he had been  one of my most trusted men.He knew everything about the mafia and yet he chose to betray me.

All for what,money?

One thing he didn't know though was that,I owned the police. The same police he had chosen to go to just to burst my hideout.

They had promised him a huge sum of money.

He almost got to me.Only I was one step ahead.

He had brought them to one of my warehouses for a drug raid.

Only they found nothing.And that made him look stupid.

I enjoyed his embarrassment but I didn't like traitors, therefore I had to finish him myself.

Slow torture was the plan.

I  would torture him until he begged for me to kill him.

He had burns on his skin from hot iron, courtesy of me.

"You should never have gone behind my back,Julio.Now see what you made me do."

His pathetic face made me laugh.

He kept on pleading but I couldn't give him what he wanted, not so fast.

I was about to finish him off when I heard something fall.

Someone had been watching me and had seen me do this.

The last thing I needed was a witness. I had to track down whoever it was and silence them forever.

"Zade,please finish him off. I will track down whoever that was and finish them off too."
I told my right hand man  who did as I asked.

It was time to get the witness and shut them up.

It looked like a woman.

The only mistake she  had made was going into her building.

If she  had thought she had escaped, she was terribly wrong. Because I didn't make any mistakes.

And as the elevator doors closed on her,I saw her. And as long as I did,she was doomed.

She looked so innocent.

Breaking her was going to be so fun.
But as of then,I let her go just to enjoy her peace and freedom a little longer.

She wasn't  going to have much of it much longer.

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