Mainly about: Travis gets hit on by a male and Sal gets mad so does Larry. Larry gets mad because Travis is like a little brother to him (warning swearing, travis dressing more to the fem side and fighting)
Travis POV:
I was in the mall with Sal and Larry mainly shopping for clothes I went into the changing room and came out wearing a skirt and crop top on. "What do you guys thing" Sal and Larry looked at each other before looking back at me "Absolutely not" "Its so revealing" "Of course you two would think that I knew I should have brought ash instead". "I think it looks pretty on you mister" I turned to look at where the voice came from, and it was a little girl.
"Thank you" "I stole my daddy's money you can have it" "I think you should keep it" "You look beautiful" I looked at the man and turned around to see if he was talking to someone else. Larry bumped Sal's arm with his elbow "I'm talking about you" "Thank you I guess" "Are you single by any chance" and that's when Sal looked up away from his phone.
"No my boyfriend is over there the one with blue hair" "Just dump him and you can have all my money" he tried to touch my hand, but I stepped back. "No thank you" "Come on" the man put his arm around my waist, and I pushed it away "Don't touch me" Sal walked up to me lets go baby" I nodded but when I turned around the man hit me on the butt.
I turned around "What the fuck" "You have a nice ass" I cringed, and I assume Sal lost it because he punched the man and they both fell to the floor Sal got on top of the man and continued to punch the man. Larry joined in for some reason and they called security on both of them after that we got kicked out the mall. I didn't mind I held Sal's hand walking out "He was right about one thing you do have a nice ass" Sal look behind me at my skirt and I cringed.
"Ok" Larry said as he walked between me and Sal separating out hands, he took off his jacket and put it on me. "That's enough of that where do you want to go to now" "Walmart is fine" "Ok". After we got there, I went to the clothes section looking at everything Larry stayed in the car smoking "Sal which one should I get" "The black one".
"Oh so your name is Sal well nice to meet you, you can call me Amy" Sal looked annoyed and I was choking on my laughter when we met each other's eyes, I knew the girl we were enemies after all. "Baby what shoe size are you again" "Size nine love" "Back off Travis". I looked at her and Sal got on his phone and recorded for some reason. She tried to look pretty "Who you trying to look good for knowing don't nobody want yo ass".
"Says the dumb hoe" "At least I smell good you smell like you just got out of the sewage" "At least I can shake what my mama gave me" "What a fucking brick wall" she tried to shake it but it didn't move and I laughed "Bitch you is as stiff as that fucking broom over there my ass even shake more than yours" "I bet you can't get Sal" "That's my boyf- you know what ok.
I looked at Sal and walked over to him "You still bet I can't" "I know you can't" I wrapped my arms around his neck, and we kissed slowly he pressed his hand against the lower part of my back making it bent slightly. We broke apart soon "Well um. . .I bet you can't fight" and she punched me in the mouth I licked my lip and I looked at her. "You fucked up" is all Sal said before I pulled her hair and dragged her to the floor, I got on top of her and started to #### her #### up. (I didn't want to include the words).
Then I dragged her by her hair into the next isle "Fuck you" "I wouldn't be talking when you're the one that just got fucked up and dragged bitch, please". I rolled my eyes at her and walked out of the store Sal stopped recording and he posted the video "Sal if you just posted that video, I can and will fuck you up like I did that girl in the store".
When we got in the car Larry showed me the video of me beating that girl up "Sally face" Sal looked out the window avoiding eye contact with me. "That bitch punched me first and busted my lip" "And you busted her nose and Sal what's this part of the video" it basically just showed me and Sal kissing for a while until we broke apart.
"I um I'll walk home" Sal got out of the car and closed the door then we pulled off I got on my phone looking at how many views and likes the video had got. "Larry that video blew up" "I can tell" there were so many comments and I sent some to Sal that made him start blowing up my phone.
Some of the comments on the video I sent to him were like Date me, you single, marry me, you tryna smash, I like strong men, and one even said I'm gay please date me. I turned my phone on silent and listened to the radio play leaning back in my seat it started raining and it sounded peaceful, and I fell asleep.
I woke up to Larry shaking me lightly waking me up I rubbed my eyes and sat my seat up "What" "We at your house" I nodded and got out the keys opening the car door and walked through the rain to the door and opened it I seen Sal I closed the door behind me locking it and then I passed out maybe because I was still tired, but I don't know.
When I got up, I was in bed with a new change of clothes I looked around I looked at Sal who was sleep beside me I bent down and was about to kiss him. "You know I'm not sleep right" he said opening his eyes to look at me I rolled my eyes "I'm just going to ignore that then" I and then I kissed him softly.
~The End~ :)