Oneshot 22

180 4 4

Mainly about: After a big party Travis wakes up in somebodies bed who looks to be still sleeping but are actually up just listening to everything he is saying also Travis will have his siblings in this one and maybe cringe depending on how you view it (warning cursing and slight smut)

Travis POV:

As I woke up I looked around in the room I was in it seemed familiar but I couldn't pinpoint it "What the fuck where am I" my head was pounding and I felt cold I looked under the covers only to find that I was completely naked under other than the hoodie that covered me.

I looked over to the person who was still sleeping and pulled the cover off of there head they had blue hair and a mask on the floor but he had on boxers and sweatpants I was regretting my life choices of drinking last night.

I leaned over the figure who was laying down next to me and I went completely pale the fucking person that was sleeping next to me is Sal fucking Fisher "On my fucking god there's no way I actually".

I picked up my phone off the nightstand and called up my brother who I'm thankful he was awake "Travis i've been trying to contact you since 3"  "Well I just woke up"  "Where are you"  "In a persons bed".

"Who's bed"  "Sal Fisher"  "The one you said you liked, the one you said was hot the same one who you be dreaming about at night and day you slept with him"  "Yes but I was drunk"  "I bet you wish you wasn't".

"JUST" I took a deep breath and spoke quietly "Just come pick me up i'll give you the address"  "Ok but hurry up"  "I will but one last question"  "What is it"  "Did you two fuck"  "I mean I think we did"  "Imma beat his ass".

And with that he hung up the phone he was always so protective of us it was sweet but he should be ashamed about saying all that dumb shit I sent him the location I was at and sat my phone back down on the nightstand. 

I stood up but almost fell my legs were throbbing they hurt but I just continued onto the bathroom when I got there I shut the door and locked then faced to the mirror I carefully looked at myself and then took off the hoodie.

Bruises and hickeys on every single part of my body I was at a loss for words before screaming "WHAT THE FUCK" there were so many bite marks I couldn't even count it I stood there just processing everything.

I put the baby blue hoodie back on and opened the bathroom door only to be towered over by the male who I thought was sleeping "Goodmorning Tra-" I blushed intensely and pushed him aside to walk past him but he pulled me back.

He picked me up wrapped my legs around his waist and leaned me against the wall "You know I enjoyed last night" I stayed quiet trying to remember how much I had to drink to end up in this situation.

"I really liked the way the moaned last night it was music to my ears"  "Would you like to hear it again" I looked at him and he smirked I started regretting my choice in words and looked away "If you're offering".

He ran one of his hands over my thigh and I bit down on my lip trying to suppress my moan "You look so beautiful" he started kissing down my neck but it wasn't as sensitive as my back "S-sal~" I covered my mouth and continued to look away.

That was until he grabbed me by the chin and made me look at him only for him to kiss me I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands started roaming my body making me moan in the kiss.

He walked over to the bad and sat down with me in his lap "Do you want to go for round 6"  "SIX" I yelled in disbelief "How many did we-"  "Five"  "You are insane"  "That's what you said last night too".

"SHUT UP" I punched him in the chest repeatedly until he pulled me closer slid his hand under the hoodie and moved his hand along my ### (I didn't want to spell it) and back I winced at the sudden pain and he stopped.

"Does it hurt that bad"  "Kinda"  "Then I won't touch there" he moved his hands to my thighs and kissed me again it was nice he gripped onto my thigh tightly making me moan again and he broke apart.

"Did you know you're very flexible"  "Stop talking"  "Stop being a baby"  "Stop being horny"  "Stop being needy"  "How dare you"  "I mean you are"  "You're right" I pushed him into the bed and sat on his chest.

I looked at him and started tear up but he didn't know I was faking it such a idiot "I'm so needy for you~"  "Damn"  "I want you so bad~"  "All you had to do was ask" he flipped us over and got in between my legs.

He was about to kiss me again but Ty came "Travis I'm here. . .WHAT THE FUCK" I blushed a dark shade of red and covered my face in my hands Ty walked up to us and pushed Sal away "What the hell dude".

"Sal"  "Yes"  "This is my brother"  "I am a where"  "You ugly mother fucker"  "I think you mean brother fucker" Ty rolled up his sleeves "I'm going to beat your fucking ass"  "I did it to your brother" Ty looked livid.

"And that's my cue to run"  "YOU BITCH" Ty started chasing Sal all over the room and out the door I was just sitting there until I got on my phone it was like they were doing that for hours until it finally came to a end like two hours later.

I put on some shorts and was leaving out the door with my brother until Sal pulled me into a room and closed the door kissing me I kissed him back and he broke it "Here's my phone number and a goodbye".

"Thanks" he bent down and got closer to my neck biting down for a couple of seconds and sat back up "I hope you  enjoyed yourself last night"  "I hope you did too"  "I know I did anyway love you"  "Aww how sweet love you too".

The End :)

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