Oneshot 17

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Mainly about: Travis is sitting at on the couch at home with his three dogs when Sal finally gets back home Riley is the German shepherd, Chase is the Golden retriever and Marco is the Rottweiler (warning kissing and swearing)

Travis POV:

I was laying down on the couch with my dog laying on my chest a pretty golden brown retriever,  my protective sweet sleeping German shepherd and my dark brown rottweiler laying under my head slowly letting sleep take over.

I laid my head more into the dog and closed my eyes relaxing the tv was low and it wasn't that dark but it was dark enough that you couldn't see me or the dogs after awhile I heard the door opening and closing.

The only dog that shot up was Riley as he ran towards the door barking at the person soon he quieted down and I started rubbing my eyes sitting up forgetting Chase who was laying on me I put my hand on his rubbing his coat softly.

I was still blinking away sleep and Marco jumped down on the floor and curled up into a ball Sal picked me up off the couch and held me in his arms carrying me in to the bedroom "Sal" I asked my voice quiet and raspy from sleep.

"Yes love it's me" I curled into his chest and nuzzled my head into his neck the dogs followed us into the room and went into their dog beds along the wall Sal tried laying my down onto the bed but I gripped onto him tighter.

"Baby I gotta go take a shower" I groaned but held on tighter the dogs didn't seem bothered and Sal gave up taking me into the bathroom with him and sitting me down on the counter my eyes was still closed with my body rocking from side to side with sleep.

Sal did look at me from time to time to make sure I didn't fall off the counter eventually I did fall off but he quickly caught me looking worried "Baby you ok" I groaned again sleep still taking over my body.

He sat me back down on the counter and got back into the shower when he was done he put on his clothes and carried me back into the bedroom he laid me down on the bed letting me get situated first before he got into bed with me.

He started pulling me closer with his arms when he eventually did pull me close enough I was laying on his chest he kissed me slowly so I kissed back I placed my hand on his cheek and smiled lightly he put his hand on my waist.

He started pulling my lower body closer to his and I wrapped my legs around him he started moving his hand up my shirt I moaned quietly in the kiss I heard on of the dogs bark which I assume was Riley.

We broke apart with Sal laughing "They were always a mama's boy"  "I guess so" I also started laughing with him when we were done laughing we got comfortable in bed and I started falling asleep first with Sal following behind

The End (:

I'm going to add the dogs in some more stories since I'm in love with them

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