Mainly about: Travis gets pranked by Sal and is made about it so he goes to the mall with his sister Tarisa and Sal is trying to contact Travis also rich Sal (warning cursing)
Travis POV:
I was walking out of the bathroom enjoying the day until a bucket of water fell on me as soon as I opened the door I looked up and seen Sal laughing "SAL" "I'm so sorry but that was the funniest thing ever" he started rolling around on the floor laughing his lungs out.
I started drying myself off again and walked to the closet and started to get dressed Sal stopped laughing after seeing what I was wearing "Wait baby where are you going" "Somewhere" "With who?" "Someone" "Tell meeeee".
"When I get back also I'm blocking you" "No baby I'm sorry" "I don't forgive you now give me the keys" "No" "Give them to me" "No" I tried to reach for them but he was taller than me so I just pulled out my phone and started to call my sister.
"Who you calling" "My sister now shut up" when she eventually picked up the phone I walked out side of the house "Sis pick me up Sal is being a dick" "Why can't you wall Ty" "Because he's on a date" "With who" "Who do you think".
"Larry" "Duh" "Ok i'm coming just give me a minute you can go ahead and start walking" "Ok and bring Ash with you" "She's sleep" "But it's her car" "She won't mind" I laughed "Ok i'll see you later" "I know love you" "Love you too".
I double checked my make up and my clothes before walking I heard Sal call out to me but I didn't care and this man started running so I started running as well when I seen the car I hurried up and jumped in and we left.
(Travis outfit was a black crop with some black jeans and some eyeliner) I started to block Sal on everything since he wouldn't stop texting me and started talking to my sister "So where we going" "The mall" "But do you have money".
"Not my own" "Who money you got" "So you remember how my birthday was yesterday" "Yea and that party was lit" "I know anyway Sal gave me some money and I still don't know how he got it".
"How much money you have" "You mean in my pockets or in all" "Damn ok lets do pockets" "Ok" "Is it higher that a thousand" "Yes" "Is it higher than two thousand" "Yes now times that" "Do you have four thousand dollars" "Yes and you get half so we can have fun".
"You are the best" "I know" "What time do you have to be back before he gets worried" "Well he seen me with you so there's no need to be worried" "But still you know how Sal is" "You right so I guess I'll unblock him" "YOU BLOCKED HIM".
"He pranked me so I was mad at him" "Mhm" after we got to the mall I unblocked Sal and received a thousand miss calls and texts me and Tarisa started shopping for more clothes, shoes, jewelry and make up.
When we picked up some food she got a pizza and I got some chinses food for me and Sal "I'll drop you off right here ok" "Ok bye sis" "Love you" "Love you too" I watched as my sister drove off and I started walking back home.
The lights were dimmed when I arrived I seen Sal on the couch leg shaking and fidgeting with his necklace he looked worried "Sal" he immediately looked up and ran over to me and started checking me "Are you ok, where were you, are you hurt, who h-".
"Sal breath please" "Ok" "Calm down" "Ok" after awhile of calming Sal down I started to explain everything "And that's basically all that happened also I bought some food and I brought your money back" "You can keep it".
"No take it" "No keep it" "I'll keep it" "I'll take it" "Ok here you go" "Wait" I gave him the money and the food "Now eat" after we got done eating we watched a few things on the tv and them went to the bathroom".
After we got done with the shower I wrapped a towel around my waist and started to do my nightly routine when Sal came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist "What is it Sal" "Tired" "Mhm".
After I was done I put on some boxers and a hoodie I laid down in bed "Sallllllllll come here" "Yes babe" he came back into the room and looked at me "Baby lay down" "OK babe" after he laid down we cuddled and went to sleep.
~The End~ :)