Oneshot 40

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This will be a whole bunch of shorts/drafts I have they aren't long they are like two sentence horror story you know maybe I should start doing that anyway and all of these will be from the author's/narrator's POV and this is why I haven't been uploading I've been working on this and tell me if you recognize any of these audios

Travis held a gun up to Sal as he looked at him tears staining his face as he points the gun to his chest "Your time is up"  "Then my last words I love you Travis"  "Your determinant die with a lie on your lips" he fires and shoots him in the chest.

" you Travis" Travis looked horrified at what he just did and falls to the floor dropping the gun and throwing it to the side "Oh god"


Travis was in the pool swimming about Sal is his bodyguard "Hey Mr bodyguard come get in"  "I can't that wouldn't be professional"  "Fine then can you at least help me out"  "Sure" Sal walks over to Travis and grabs his hand.

That was until Travis pulled him into the water with him when Sal resurfaced he laughed and looked at Travis "How did I fall for the oldest trick in the book" Sal was soaked from the hair down which made Travis blush as he looked at his masculine figure.


Travis comes over Todd's house where Ash, Larry, and Sal are to hang out and Asks Sal a question "Hey Sal"  "Yea"  "So what do you guys do for fun around here"  "I don't know sometimes we throw shit at Larry".

"Wait Larry"  "HEY LARRY" Sal throws a ball at him and then runs off as Larry starts to chase him around trying to hit him back with the ball


Sal, Larry, and Travis were at the park doing something when Sal got hit with the ball that Larry threw at him and his nose started to bleed "Sal you're already losing a lot of blood quick whats your type".

"Blond hair light skin brown eyes and if their name is Travis"  "You fucking idiot" Larry shouted at him as Sal passed out leaving Travis there looking like a tomato and stunned after a minute he did get up though.


Sal, and Travis were at Larry's house there were playing video games, watching movies etc until Sal and Larry decided to get high and then it was time for them to leave "I can not give you everything you know I wish I could".

Sal wanted to drive home but Travis didn't let him but Travis didn't want to drive either cause he's a passenger princess and Sal looked at him laughing "I'm so high at the moment".


Travis stays over at Sal's house for the summer and wakes up in his bed next to him he got up and grabbed his phone off the side table to check the time and it was monday so they had to get up and get ready for school.

Travis looked over at Sal and started shaking him to get up "Get up summer break is over we have school today its monday"  "I don't give a FUCK" Sal pulled him back in bed and wrapped his arms around his waist and they went back to sleep. (fuck school)


Travis and Sal were having an argument and Travis called it quits and broke up with him so Travis just looked at him while Sal was crying on the floor "What a pussy what a baby...I thought I found a real man".

"But he's just like a little one was ever there for me when I cried my heart out no one ever comforted one" Travis let a few tears fall and Sal got up to face him only for Sal to hug Travis tightly.

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