Mainly about: This will be another cheater Sal one and Travis has a sister and a brother and this one his sister is dating ash and his brother is dating Larry sister name is Tarisa and the brother name is Ty/Tyler and they are at a party (warning slay queen attitude, cursing and hitting)
Travis POV:
As I was talking to Larry and Ty when I see Tarisa running towards me and we fell Ty helped us up and Tarisa was trying to say something but we couldn't understand it so we waited to calm down then she spoke again "Sal is over there with a girl" "I know" "Did you know that they just kissed I took a picture and Sally started chasing me look".
I looked at the picture Tarisa had taken just as Sal walked up to me and he pushed Tarisa out of the way, and I pushed him "Don't push my sister you cheater" "Baby I don't even know that girl" I see the girl that he kissed come up behind him "I am so so sorry he said he was single" the girl slapped Sal and walked off.
I laughed "So you're a cheater and a lier" "Baby please you know me" he tried to touch me but I slapped him some of the people at the party looked over to us and the music got turned down and all eyes were on us "I know you are a fucking cheater and a fucking lier" "Please i'm sorry I was drunk" "You seem pretty sober to me".
"Well yes but" "But nothing quit with all the excuses" "Baby p-" I put my hand up to keep him from talking "We are breaking up and when you get home your things will be outside" and with that we left leaving Sal there looking defeated some people at the party was laughing.
Others were looking at Sal like he was something disgusting when we got home Tarisa and Ty was helping me move Sal's things out the house while Ash and Larry was outside on the car talking Larry whistled over at Ty making him blush and I laughed "Hey Ty should I show Larry what you be sending me" "You wouldn't dare" "Try me".
I seen a car coming down the road after it stopped Sal got out he looked at me and started to get closer to me I looked at him crossing my arms "What" "Travis please I love you and only you, you really aren't going to kick me out" "Then why did you cheat if you love me so much".
"I will admit what I did was bad yes but I don't want to lose you".I stayed quiet for a second I looked at Ty and Tarisa they shrugged their shoulders I looked back at Sal "You really broke my heart you know you told me you would never cheat on me and I believed it Sal but" "But I did and I understand if you don't want to take me back now later or even never I just want you to forgive me".
"If you want my forgiveness then you are going to have to work for that" "Will you forgive me soon" "Maybe but I don't know" "Can I get one last kiss" I thought about it for a second and nodded he held my face in his hand and kissed me softly when the kiss ended he started taking his things to the car I bit my lip holding back tears.
When he had everything in the car he looked at me one last time and left I walked over to Ty and laid my head on his shoulder and sighed letting tears fall as he rubbed my back gently and it was quiet the rest of the night Larry and Ash stayed over and they went to sleep I couldn't sleep so I got on my phone.
~The end~ :)