Oneshot 23

176 3 8

Mainly about: Sal, Travis and Amber are having dinner one day when Amber starts to talk about some weird noises she heard I died while writing this (warning cursing)

Travis POV:

I just got finished making dinner so I called Sal and Amber down to help me set the table "Baby Amber come down stairs "Yes dad"  "Where's your father"  "Being lazy"  "Well can you help me set the table".

"No I'm playing with my friends" I placed my hand on her shoulder and looked at her "You can say no to your father but you are never going to say no to me ok sweetie"  "Y-yes"  "Now set the table while I get your father".

"Of course"  "Don't get smart with me"  "Yes sir" she got the plates and silverware and started setting the table for us while I pulled Sal out of the bedroom and down stairs "Ow baby that hurts"  "Quit complaining".

When we got down stairs the table was set and Amber was already sitting down on her phone waiting for us after Sal sat down I walked to the kitchen and got the food out and sat it onto the table.

"Go ahead and eat"  "Thanks mom"  "Smart ass" Sal stayed quiet and started getting his food after we got as much as we were going to eat I put it back in the kitchen on the stove and walked back to the table.

"Hey mom what were those noises last night"  "What noises"  "It was like hitting"  "Hmm"  "And you started like screaming"  "I don't thi-. . .oh"  "Do you know what I'm talking about"  "Nope ask your father".

I started to drink my ~red wine~ and looked at Sal who was already looking at me "Dad did you hit mom" that made me choke on my drink as I started laughing quietly "I would never"  "Yea you would because he said 'wait it hurts'.

I stopped laughing and looked at her "Sweetie how much did you head"  "A lot because it woke me up and then I heard banging like the bed kept hit the wall or something" I started laughing again it was so funny that he had to explain it.

"W-well Amber me and your 'mom' was playing"  "It sounded more like fighting"  "If it was fighting your mom would have me in a casket"  "True but why does he look so hurt look at all those bruises".

"I don't see any"  "How do you not they're everywhere" I fell out my chair and started dying on the floor "Your right he hurt me so much"  "Daddy how dare you"  "My legs and back hurt so much I think I need to go to a doctor".

"Ba-"  "Bad daddy" and with that she ran all the way to her room and slammed the door behind her and I started laughing hysterically while Sal just stood there looking as confused as could be and that just made me laugh even more. 

After a couple of minutes of me laughing I stood up and started to clean the table off after I did that I washed the dishes and put the leftovers in the refrigerator then I cleaned again since it looked nasty.

I was about to head upstairs until I heard a knock on the door so I walked over to it "Who is it"  "Its the police can you open the door"  "Um sure" I unlocked the door and looked at them with a confused look.

"Are those bruises"  "Yes"  "Do you have a husband"  "Yes why"  "Did he do it to you"  "Hold on who called you two officers"  "It was me" Amber ran out of her room to us and looked at me "Oh my god I am so sorry there is a misunderstanding".

"Can you call your husband down"  "Sure" I yelled for Sal to come down stairs and it looked like he was flying the way he jumped "What happened"  "The police are here"  "Why"  "Amber called them"  "I ask again why".

"Because you his mom and that's why she's all bruised"  "It's not like that officer"  "Sir can we speak to your husband alone"  "Sure"  "Along with the child"  "Of course" Sal walked over to the the stairs and sat down on them.

I covered Amber's ears and explained everything to the officers and they understood "Sorry for the misunderstanding sir have a nice day" I smiled and closed the door "Baby don't call the cops again unless their an emergency".

"But it was an emergency"  "That was a different thing you'll understand when you're older"  "Aww can't you tell me now"  "No now go to your room and go right to sleep you have school tomorrow".

"Aww man I'm gonna call auntie to get me out"  "She will be at work and so is your uncle now go to bed" when she was in her room I looked at Sal who was visibly aggravated wanna go to bed now"  "Yes, yes I do".

The End (:

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