Oneshot 16

245 8 1

Mainly about: Travis is painting on a canvas until Sal bumps into it (warning slight smut and swearing)

Travis POV:

It was peaceful today quiet music playing not too hot not too cold ice tea beside my chair it would be a lie if I said there wasn't paint everywhere but that's what this room is for just my own personal art space.

I looked at the half finished canvas in front of me and smiled to myself when I suddenly heard the door to the room open Sal must be back from work I looked at the time 11:52 there was a sudden pair of arms around me.

"Hey babe"  "Hm"  "You tired"  "Mhm" I yawned quietly I guess we were both kinds tired out from doing out own things he kissed my neck gently which was a nice relaxer until he bit down making me jump and kick over my canvas.

"Sal!"  "What happened I heard something fall" he looked up and started apologizing for like an hour "You can stop apologizing dumbass it didn't fall face first"  "Oh ok" he picked the canvas up and leaned it against the wall before picking me up.

He threw me onto the bed and flopped on top of me and I couldn't help but to laugh "Salllll get up"  "No thanks"  "You're so heavy"  "And you're so light almost like a feather"  "And you're like a 100 pound weight".

He sat up and looked at me like he was flabbergasted "I'm so offended"  "Stay like that then"  "You know" he started moving his hands up my waist and I bit down on my lip to suppress my moans "You're so beautiful".

He removed my shirt and started kissing down my chest I let out a shaky moan and my breath hinged in my throat as he started leaving bit marks on his way down he started kissing down my waist line onto my thighs making me moan again.

"S-sal"  "Yes love"  "Can we go to sleep now I'm now please"  "Sure let me just" he bit down on my waist line hard making me moan louder "SAL"  "Ok ok I'm done" he gave me one of his hoodies and I quickly put it on and went under the covers pulling my legs up to my chest.

He soon climbed into bed and pulled me closer to him with his arms he kissed me and I soon kissed him back after awhile I broke apart from the kiss and laid my head on his chest falling asleep.

The next day when I woke up Sal was gone to work but there was breakfast on the table along with a new set of clothes and a note I didn't bother to read it since I already know what it says since he writes the same thing all the time.

'Hey baby I got called into work early but here is some new clothes and breakfast hope you have a good day love Sally Face' it was a sweet letter this time written much neater and not rushed the breakfast was still warm so he didn't leave too long ago.

I turned to look at the time and it was 8pm Sal was supposed to leave at five I wonder why he stayed so late even though it's non of my business I rubbed my eyes slowly and sat up looking around the room.

My canvas was perfectly liked up along with a new iced coffee and more paints "He's such a sweetheart" I walked over to the canvas and sat down in the chair and started drinking some of the iced coffee.

It was vanilla flavored and delicious I started working on the other half of the canvas when I was finished with it and happy how it can out Sal was already back and he was laying down on the bed with a change of clothes.

It felt like he was staring at me and sure enough he was when I took a shower and got into bed with him he got on his phone I wrapped my arms and legs around him and laid my head on his arm the lights were dim and the atmosphere was perfect.

He started rubbing my back softly and I was so tired already and that's all it took for me to fall asleep he had a tight protective arm around me but not too tight he kissed my forehead and then went to sleep along with me.

The End :)

also I might take a small break just to brainstorm some ideas unless you guys got any suggestions for me and I'll be sure to give you credit

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