Oneshot 19

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Mainly about: Sal and Travis were 'playing' when Larry busted down the door and carried Travis out of the room outside since its snowing (warning slight smut and swearing)

Travis POV:

Me and Sal came home hours ago and ran into the bedroom to have sometime to ourselves it's been a long day and it was finally the weekends and all we wanted to do was enjoy each other's time together.

So he pulled me towards the bed with him and as he sat down be pulled me into his lap and took off my shirt just admiring me before he kissed me the kiss lasted for awhile after be deepened it.

He started kissing down my neck with one hand on my waist as I was grinding slowly against him moaning his name a couple of times we had the house to ourselves with the door lock and the blinds closed.

Then I heard a knock on the door making me stop "Someone's at the door"  "Ignore them" he said and continued kissing my neck the person kept knocking at the door but I did what Sal said and ignored them.

That was until they broke the door kicking it in and that's when we finally looked over to it and it was the one and only Larry I blushed turning a bright shade of red as Sal took off and covered me with it.

"What is it Larry" Sal sounded a little pissed but I'm not sure because it could be either that be just wanted to be left alone with me or he didn't want to get interrupted "Nothing"  "Then why the fuck you break the damn door again".

He stood there thinking for a second before responding "Oh yea I remember now"  "So what is it"  "I was going take this" Larry picked me up the started walking out of the room with me over his shoulder."

"Put me down"  "Nah I don't think I want to"  "Sal"  "I'm coming in a second" I rolled my eyes and waited for Larry to stop walking but he never did when he did stop we were outside in the cold when he threw me in a pile of snow.

"Larry it's cold"  "It can't be that bad" I pulled him into the slow pile with me and he started shivering "I take back what I said it's cold as fuck"  "You could have at least got a jacket for us"  "I didn't think it would be this cold though".

We ran in the house not wanting to stay outside any longer because how cold it was Sal brought us some hot coco and a blanket and turned the heat up and we all watched a movie a nice set of movies that soon turned to horror.

The End (:

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