The reality is that I knew all along. I knew what you thought, felt, and what would happen. I knew. I knew the reality. This is why I couldn't just ease. I knew.
I knew you would go, and ghost because it's what I've only experienced. It's what you're built from. It is the way things are. You abandon. You disappear like a breath on glass.
I called and when it immediately went, then I tried again - I knew. My heart fractured when we went separate ways, but it broke when that happened, just now. I can only imagine the reasons and the true facades behind it. Reality. I knew you were different, and I knew we struggled but I believed you.
I tried to call you to let you know about what I did, so you weren't thrown off guard- but I was the one thrown off guard. You did it again.
You left without saying goodbye.
Excerpts I'll Never Tell
RandomRandom thoughts and write outs in my mind, from mostly emotional times.