3. Oathbringer

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 "Ser Jaime Lannister. Knighted and named to the Kingsguard in his 16th year. At the sack of King's Landing, murdered his king Aerys II. Pardoned by Robert Baratheon. Thereafter known as the Kingslayer." Brienne read off.

"It's the duty of the Lord Commander to fill those pages. And there's still room left on mine." Jaime agreed and picked up the displayed sword.

"Valyrian steel." Brienne remarked as he held it out to her.

"Mmm. It's yours." Jaime agreed. Brienne stared back at him flabbergasted.

"I can't accept this."

"It was reforged from Ned Stark's sword. You'll use it to defend Ned Stark's daughter. You swore an oath to return the Stark girls to their mother. Lady Stark's dead. Arya's probably dead, too, but there's still a chance to find Sansa and get her somewhere safe. RIeka is right here. Safe for now but how long..." Jaime offered. He liked Rieka, he seemed like a nice girl in a bad situation but she made the best of her circumstances. "I've got something else for you." Jaime remarked and moved aside revealing armor for Brienne.

" I hope I got your measurements right." Jaime added she admiring the shining armor.

"I'll find her. For Lady Catelyn. And for you." Brienne agreed.

"I almost forgot. I have one more gift." Heading outside they saw Podrick and RIeka. 

"An adventure!" Rieka declared, she grabbed podricks shoulder giving it a shake. "This is exciting, why arent you smiling?" 

"I'm nervous, what if I do a bad job?" Podrick countered. 

"You arent a squire anymore Podrick." RIeka corrected. "You just get be Podrick." 

"I dont know who that is." Podrick admitted. 

"GOod thing for you, I do." Rieka remarked. "Podrick is a good and loyal man, brave, way too brave for his own good," Podrick blushed. "Tyrion told me you saved him at the battle of the blackwater bay." 

"Any good squire would have-''

"Stayed far away from the fighting." RIeka finished for him. "Podrick you were a good and true friend to Tyrion. You are my friend to." 

"I am?" Podrick breathed back. 

"Don't you want to be my friend?" Rieka countered teasingly. "We are going on an adventure together."  RIeka's wolf yipped out, running around them. 

"We are." Podrick agreed and she grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze. 

" I don't need a squire." Brienne corrected seeing Podrick.

""Of course you do." Jaime corrected. Jaime looked to Rieka and she smiled moving to him. 

"He'll slow me down." Brienne corrected. 

"My brother owes him a debt. He's not safe here. You're keeping him from harm. It's chivalry." Jaime corrected.

"I won't slow you down, ser... my lady. I promise I'll serve you well." Podrick assured.

"See? He's a good lad. You'll get along." Jaime assured. "RIeka, Brienne is going to find your sister, she will keep you safe." 

"I survived the capital this long, Jaimeson-" Rieka remarked he rolled his handsome green eyes. "The real world will be a piece of cake compared to this place." 

"Be careful little wolf." Jaime instructed giving her a hug. 

"You too, Jaimeson."  Rieka agreed as Avalon rubbed up against her. 

"Compliments of Lord Tyrion." Bronn pushed a sack of coin to Podrick. "And His axe from the Blackwater." Bronn remarked giving Podrick an axe, he pushed it to his chest. Podrick stared down at it. "What are you waiting for, a kiss? Ready the lady's horse." Podrick nodded running off. "RIeka, gorgeous," Bronn remarked. 

"Bye Bronn." Rieka whispered hugging him too. 

"You dont have to leave," Bronn remarked. "I will keep you safe." 

"If you ever see Tyrion again..."

"I dont plan on seeing him again." Bronn countered. 

"Tell him I'm sorry." Rieka requested all the same. 

"For what?" 

"He will know." Rieka countered. 

"They say the best swords have names. Any ideas?" Jaime questioned.

"Oathkeeper." Brienne agreed. Jaime nodded looking her over again. 

"Good-bye, Brienne." Jaime remarked softly. 

"Look out for Pod, he's just a little Pod." Bronn remarked. 

"Yeah, I know." Rieka assured. 

"He needs guidance in everywhere except the bedroom I hear." Bronn added with a dramatic wink. "Tyrion bought him whores and they wouldnt take his money, he was that good." 

"I dont want to hear that." Rieka countered. Bronn stared back at her. "We are trying to find my sister. That wasnt on my mind." Rieka grumbled. 

"But it is now." Bronn agreed. "Just trying to help a little squire out." he added heading back to the castle.  

"Fuck you too, Bronn!" Rieka called back. 

"I wish you would!" Bronn agreed. 


"You ready Rieka?" Podrick questioned handing her the reigns. 


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