42. Delirium

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'In the name of the warrior I charge you to be brave' Breinne put her sword on Podrick's shoulder. 'in the name of the father I charge you to be just.' she moved the sword to the other shoulder, 'in the name of the mother I charge you to defend The innocent.' moving her sword back to the first shoulder 'arise Podrick of house Payne a knight of the seven kingdoms.'' Rieka jumped up running to him.

"Ser Podrick." Rieka purred kissing him. "Has a nice ring to it." he held tight to her the biggest smile she had ever seen. "You ready for an even better knighting?" Rieka questioned against his lips. Podrick nodded eagerly and she pulled him away. 

 Rieka snaked her arm around him and looked back at him with adoration. Podrick couldn't hide his smile.

Rieka hooked an elbow around his neck to pull him toward her, but he held his body off hers, taking her in once they got back to Rieka's chambers and like he saw the complaint coming he crushed his mouth to her to keep her quiet. 

The kiss was everything, and it was torture because Rieka wanted more than this. She wanted his weight on top of her. He was all over her and all around her, but still too far away. The heat from Podrick's body pressed into her, Rieka could feel it through her dress. Rieka had never in her life wanted someone to rip her clothes off more, until this moment. 

Rieka wanted nothing between them and suddenly she hated the very existence of the fabric, she wanted to feel his skin on her skin. Rieka wanted his sweat and the pounding of his heart and his fast breath. It was some sexual claustrophobia. Needing more and feeling trapped by the restraints of clothing. Rieka was starting to feel frantic. She ran a palm down his chest following the trail of hair under her fingertips and took him into her hand, and he sucked in a breath against her mouth. 

Podrick squeezed his eyes shut and let out a shuddering noise as she moved back and forth. He lost his resolve and lowered himself onto her. When he eased inside of her, it was like wildfire, erupting and beautiful. Rieka gasped at the deepness of it, the internal thump. She felt desperate for it, like she wanted to claw at him, get him closer. He rode her with his rough hands on her thighs, his tongue plunging in and out of her mouth, her dress bunched around her hips. 

Rieka slipped an arm out of her dress strap and uncovered a breast and it made his motions more frantic. Rieka turned him on. He was ravenous for her. Every time she was with him, he built her up. He gave her back something magical.

RIeka rolled her hips just the right way and threw back her head and in one fluid movement he made his final thrusts between her legs. She could feel him pulsing inside of her, and she wished in her delirium that there was a way to stop time, to forget this war and never leave this bed. 

But drums sounded and horns blazed and they were drawn out of their paradise. Rieka got dressed quietly, they pulled back on their clothes, heavy breaths in their lungs. 

The Dothraki army was at the front and their swords flaming to life could be seen from the wall all of them burning to life a field fire it was beautiful and glorious empowered them. They were going to win this they had to win this. Everyone stood like statues waiting for the enemy to attack no one spoke all you could hear was the wind whipping through the air and the ragged breaths of terrified people.

'The night king is coming' Jon said to Daenerys.

'The army of the dead are already here' she told him marching away. It was time. Time to get the littles safe.

"NO Fuck no!" Rieka shouted. "Crypts? This knight king brings the dead back to life. Crypt. Corpses. Idiotic. Who thought of that? Put them on the front lines and kill that idiot." Rieka demanded. "Just kidding it was you Jon wasnt it. She is making you dumb, you used to be smarter." Jon rolled his eyes. "LOVE YOU!"

"Rie!" Rickon shouted running up to her, she held tight to him. 

""You have to stay in the great hall."

"You will come soon though right?" Rickon questioned.

"As soon as I can." Rieka agreed. "Go on, go on love, stay with Sansa, you protect her."

"Are you sure youre okay Rie?" Rickon questioned holding tight to her. 

"I will be once this is over. Give me a hug." Rieka agreed. Podrick held his sword coming up behind Rieka he was ready. "Ser Podrick you look ready to take on the world." 

"I'm nervous." Podrick admitted. 

"Me too." Rieka agreed hugging him. 'You are not dying out here.' Rieka reminded him.

"Neither are you." Podrick agreed. "I can't wait to marry you. When this is over, you and me." 

"I kept forgetting." Rieka teased kissing him. "I can't wait to marry you. Dead or alive-"

"Rieka!" Podrick laughed out. 

"Sorry, sorry, we both live, and dance away the night when we win." Rieka decided. 

"I like that." Podrick agreed. "Now, give me something warm to hold onto." Podrick begged. He claimed her lips as dragon smoke filled the air, as screams ran out, as dothraki, wildlings and unsullied advanced on the enemy. "I love-"

"Say it after." Rieka rasped before turning and running off. "But I love you Podrick knight of the seven kingdoms Payne!" She shouted back.

"Rieka!" Podrick called after her in anguish. She blew him a kiss as she ran up to her post. 

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